Credit card systems are among the earlier major enterprise software systems written. The early systems were written in assembler language or COBOL. If programming languages really did get more powerful and advanced, you would think that a wave of re-writes would have transformed the industry as card systems written in creaky old languages were streamlined and turbo-charged by being written in more modern languages. Generations of industry executives and technical experts and leaders have thought exactly this.
The earlier posts in this series have described two major such efforts that ended in face-plants, and other efforts that illustrate the ongoing power and productivity of supposedly decrepit approaches. In this post, I'll describe a couple not-famous examples of advances that actually took place.
Clarity Payment systems and TSYS: the first version in Java
In the late 1950's a group inside a local bank, Columbus Bank and Trust in Georgia, started building a system for processing credit cards. The division went public and eventually became known as TSYS, Total Systems, which is now one of the world's major card processing companies.
During the early 2000's a special kind of card with limited functionality called a pre-paid debit card started to be used. Unlike a credit card, which you use to make charges and then later pay it off or use revolving credit (called "pay later"), a prepaid debit card is just what it sounds like: you first pay in some money and then can make charges using the card until the amount you put in runs out (called "pay before"). This kind of card is vastly easier to implement in software than a credit card, but is still complicated because of all the bank and card interfaces. See this for more.
Meanwhile a small company called Clarity Payment Solutions had created a working prepaid card system. The technical founder of the company had bought into the rhetoric around the Java enterprise Object-oriented language, and had constructed the code using it. What everyone believed was that basing a program on objects would make it tremendously more flexible and easier to change than using traditional languages. Objects were thought of as being like Lego blocks with super powers, enabling you to pick out the ones you like and piece them together easily. A feature called inheritance promised the ability to make minor changes without much effort and no side effects.
The executives at TSYS needed to get into the rapidly growing market for prepaid debit cards. They put some effort into having their staff modify their internal systems to meet the need but weren't getting anywhere fast. When they encountered Clarity Payments they were pretty happy -- it's what we need! It's already working in the market! And best of all, it's written in Java, so we'll be able to make changes easily without all the trouble of systems written in prehistoric languages like the one we're stuck with! They bought the company.
The technical leader of Clarity was sobered by his experience of writing the software for prepaid debit. It was a lot harder than he thought it would be, and the ease of making changes because of the object orientation of Java proved to be little but hollow rhetoric. He had proven to himself that it was all b.s. through hard personal experience, learning what others have learned. He now had years of practical experience building a production system to make clear to him what the real obstacles were. He was glad to sell off the company and not have to struggle with the code any more. TSYS was welcome to it!
TxVia and Google: the second version in Java with help
The technical founder of Clarity set about building the software infrastructure he would have liked to have had when building the Clarity code in the first place. Java by itself didn't solve the problems. It needed lots of help, and he was going to build the system that would give it help. This is a response that some smart programmers have when they get their noses rubbed in the broken promises of some new programming fad. It led this fellow to build a system that took a significant step up the hierarchy of abstraction, as I describe here. Java would remain the core language, but given a huge practical boost by having the ability to make changes built in at critical points using a kind of workbench approach with cleverly chosen "user exits" to enable safe customization. Eventually he turned the power of his new system to building prepaid debit card software, whose requirements he understood so well. Reconnecting with his old business partners, they went into the same market again and started getting some real business.
Meanwhile a team at Google had been working on the same problem.They wanted a Google implementation of prepaid debit card functionality for the new Google Wallet. The leaders took at look at prepaid debit card functionality and immediately felt it was no big deal. It's nothing but putting money into an account and checking withdrawals to make sure they was enough money. Adding and subtracting and a few interfaces. No biggie. But just to be safe they assembled a crack team of nearly 100 Google-level geniuses and put them on the job. They used languages and tools that were generations ahead of standard Java.
A year later they still had nothing working. It turned out to be harder than they had thought, even with the astounding power and flexibility of Google software resources. When one of the leaders heard about TxVia, he insisted on giving them a look. A group of Googlers came to the TxVia offices and threw down the specs of what they were trying to build on the table. They sneered, we heard you guys were real smart; our managers tell us you've gotten a lot further than we have. Sure. If you're so smart, prove it by making a system like what's in this document work.
Shortly after the TxVia team came back with -- a system that met Google's requirements. That the Google team had spent a year failing to meet. Skipping over the emotions of everyone involved, which pretty much covered the gamut from embarrassed to ashamed to denial to exultant to you-can-imagine, Google bought the company. It became a key part of Google Wallet.
This was a clear demonstration that Java or other modern languages are NOT the determining factor in programmer productivity and software effectiveness.
The Paysys Corecard system and Apple
I told the story of my time as CTO at Paysys in the late 1990's here, including the sale of its millions of lines of COBOL code to First Data. I gave details about how Paysys became a powerful player in the market for credit card software by increasing their breadth of automation here.
While I was CTO, after studying the COBOL code in detail with lots of help from the people who had written it, I came up with a way to re-create the system's functionality. The idea was to implement a core set of concepts written in a small amount of abstract code and then build extensive metadata as needed to support the product’s existing functionality and more. I wasn’t fully aware of it at the time, but I used the method described here and in the linked posts. It was written in C++ (mostly the C subset) and ran of a network of servers. One of the big national consulting groups ran tests that verified it could handle tens of millions of cards with linear growth. In addition a team at First Data in Omaha ran the code and modified the metadata to make it match the functionality of their existing system written in assembler language. The trouble they had modifying the assembler language to handle a variety of requirements already met by the Paysys COBOL code was the main reason they were buying Paysys. They decided they would really like to have the new code as well.
While his team urged the CEO to include the new code in the purchase, he decided he didn’t need it, and kept it out of the deal. The COBOL code solved immediate problems like supporting cards in Japan, and who cared what a bunch of nameless programmers babbled about the speed of making future changes?
Thus it happened that when First Data bought the Paysys VisionPLUS COBOL code in the year 2001, the new metadata-based system was left out of the deal and stayed with the remainder company, now called Corecard.
Years went by. Some leading people began to notice Corecard because they could make it do thing unanticipated things much more quickly and easily than with normal procedural systems. Then Apple decided to get into the credit card issuing business. Not the cheap and easy pre-paid kind, the full-featured, tough credit card kind. They took their requirements to the usual suspects who gave them the usual lengthy go-live times with the usual astronomical custom programming fees. Somehow they talked with Goldman Sachs, which had connected with Corecard through a small, adventurous group. They could get the job done, quickly and efficiently, when no one else in the industry could come close. A deal got done and the Apple card came out quickly, doing everything Apple wanted. And scaled quickly.
Normal parameters could not have accomplished this. The TxVia workbench approach didn't have even a fraction of the functionality needed. Only a software system that went far beyond the capabilities of procedural languages of any generation could have met the challenge. In the end, languages of ANY generation can only do so much. They're like prop planes. If you want to go REALLY fast you need a rocket engine, and that's what meta-data-based systems are.
One of the sobering lessons here is the very basic human one: No one will want a rocket engine unless they're trying to build a rocket. If you build a rocket engine, however powerful it may be, people will look at it, scratch their heads, express mild amazement, but walk away -- they don't need it. And won't until they decide they want to build a rocket.
These real-life examples demonstrate the limits of normal procedural languages, no matter how modern and fancy. They demonstrate how taking even small steps up the ladder of abstraction can yield amazing gains, as they did for Google, at least after they bought TxVia. And finally they demonstrate that there's a whole quantum leap further you can go to meet software requirements beyond what procedural languages alone can handle -- but no one will want to buy them until they have a problem that nothing else can solve.