I am not aware of a set of terms I can use to make a technically clear definition of “Occam optimality” for software, so I’ll just re-use some existing ones. I suspect there’s an exact, more mathematical way to do this. I’m hoping someone will pull it off. My goal here is to express the most basic relevant concepts in rough terms.
By “program” I mean the entire source text that is required to build the executable program. If the program uses a DBMS, the schema definition is part of the program. If there are “include” files or resource files, they are part of the program. If the program is a multi-tier one with an ASP GUI, a component-based application and a database layer with stored procedures, it’s all part of the program. If there is information that is part of the program that is not immediately available as text, then for these purposes we convert it to text. While we normally think of these things as being in totally separate categories, for these purposes, we will construct a single source text that has everything required to build the program.
Here’s a tricky, vague but essential definition. Without this definition, an occamal program would be just a version of the original compressed by mechanical means, kind of like a compiler optimizer. The “intention” of a program is its true goals, without technical specification or constraint. The “expression” of a program is a “program” as defined above, i.e., completely determined by its text. A single program intention can have a very large number of possible expressions. The purpose of the normal program design process is, at the very early stages, to clarify the intention, but most of the process is designed to narrow down among all possible expressions to get close to a narrow range of possible expressions. The final determination of program expression is, of course, made by the coders.
The effort of creating Occamality comes during the process of turning “intention” into “expression.” Of all the evaluation criteria that have been used to drive and evaluate this process, and there have been many, the occamal criterion says: express only what has been intended (don’t over-determine), and express what has been intended in the least possible number of “semantic units” possible, with no redundancy among them.
I use the awkward phrase “semantic unit” to indicate a programmer’s thought, and to avoid getting caught up in one language vs. another, the number of characters involved in the keywords and syntax, comments, the length of labels and variable names, etc. A semantic unit is any combination of code, data and meta-data that is required to express a thought. Semantic units can be primary, composite, and have any number of connections and relationships among them. Good definition and use of connections and relationships are how redundancy is eliminated, along with careful attention to avoid “distinctions without a difference” of substance.
Semantic units can have “primary” information in them and/or “reference” information. “Primary” information in a semantic unit is an actual definition or program statement, for example a data type or a conditional expression. “Reference” information is a reference to one or more other semantic units. For example, you would define that a date is a month, day, and year, with these data types, lengths, labels, compute rules, etc. This would all be “primary” information about date. When you defined “birth date,” its most important characteristic would be the “reference” information that it is a type of date. A semantic unit could easily contain a mixture of primary and reference information. For example, “birth date” would have as primary information its unique label and the fact that it is a separate piece of information; everything else about “birth date” would be a reference to “date.” The reference should be a single reference to the “date” semantic unit.
References, as defined in this broad sense, are the key to creating occamal programs. Every reference is something that could have been given a separate expression, which might have been literally identical, but more likely would have had the same intention but differ in trivial detail as expressed. In the example of the Y2K problem, each reference to a central date definition replaces a separate definition of date. Without references, all the separate instances of date would have to be found and changed; with references to a single central definition, all that needs to change is the central definition, and the references cause the change to be rippled to all uses of date.
A “program” is Occam-optimal when it has the minimum possible number of “semantic units” in its expression, and when there is no redundancy among the semantic units, while still fairly expressing the original intention of the program.
Obviously, this only scratches the surface of the technical side of Occam-optimality. I hope it’s enough to convey the general idea.