The concept of workflow has been around in software from the beginning. It is the core of a great deal of what software does, including business process automation. Workflow is implicitly implemented in most bodies of software, usually in a hard-coded, ad-hoc way that makes it laborious and error-prone to implement, understand, modify and optimize. Expressing it instead as editable declarative metadata that is executed by a small body of generic, application-independent code yields a huge increase in productivity and responsiveness. It also enables painless integration of ML and AI. There are organizations that have done exactly this; they benefit from massive competitive advantage as a result.
Let’s start with some basics about flowcharts and workflow.
Flowcharts pre-date computers. The concept is simple enough, as shown by this example from Wikipedia:
The very earliest computer programs were designed using flowcharts, illustrated for example in a document written by John von Neumann in 1947. The symbols and methods became standardized. By the 1960’s software designers used templates like this from IBM
to produce clean flowcharts in standardized ways.
Flowcharts and Workflow
Flowcharts as a way to express workflows have been around for at least a century. Workflows are all about repeatable processes, for example in a manufacturing plant. People would systematize a process in terms of workflow in order to understand and analyze it. They would create variations to test to see if the process could be improved. The starting motivation would often be consistency and quality. Then it would often shift to process optimization – reducing the time and cost and improving the quality of the results. Some of the early work in Operations Research was done to optimize processes.
Workflow is a natural way to express and help understand nearly any repeatable process, from manufacturing products to taking and delivering orders in a restaurant. What else is a repeatable process? A computer program is by definition a repeatable process. Bingo! Writing the program may take considerable time and effort, just like designing and building a manufacturing plant. But once written, a computer program is a repeatable process. That’s why it made sense for the very earliest computer people like John von Neumann to create flowcharts to define the process they wanted the computer to perform repeatedly.
What’s in a Flowchart?
There are different representations, but the basic work steps are common sense:
- Get data from somewhere (another program, storage, a user)
- Do something to the data
- Test the data, and branch to different steps depending on the results of the test
- Put the data somewhere (another program, storage, a user)
- Lots of these work steps are connected in a flow of control
This sounds like a regular computer software program, right? It is! When charted at the right level of detail, the translation from a flowchart to a body of code is largely mechanical. But humans perform this largely mechanical task, and get all wrapped up in the fine details of writing the code – just like pre-industrial craftsmen did.
Hey, that's not just a metaphor -- it is literally true! The vast, vast majority of software programming is done in a way that appears from the outside to be highly structured, but in fact is designing and crafting yet another fine wood/upholstery chair (each one unique!) or, for advanced programmers, goblets and plates made out of silver for rich customers.
In the software world, workflow in general has been a subject of varying interest from the beginning. It can be applied to any level of detail. It has led to all sorts of names and even what amount to fashion trends. There is business process management. Business process engineering. And re-engineering. And business process automation. A specialized version of workflow is simulation software, which led early programmers to invent what came to be called "object-oriented programming." To see more about this on-going disaster that proved to be no better for simulating systems than it has been for software in general, see this.
When document image processing became practical in the 1980’s, the related term workflow emerged to describe the business process an organization took to process a document from its arrival through various departments and finally to resolution and archiving of the document. The company that popularized this kind of software, Filenet, was bought by IBM. I personally wrote the workflow software for a small vendor of document image processing software at that time.
Workflow in practice
There has been lots of noise about what amounts to workflow over the years, with books, movements and trends. A management professor in the 1980's talked about how business processes could be automated and improved using business process re-engineering. He said that each process should be re-thought from scratch -- otherwise you would just be "paving the cow paths," instead of creating an optimal process. As usual, lots of talk and little action. Here's the story of my personal involvement in such a project in which the people in charge insisted they were doing great things, while in fact they were spending lots of money helping the cows move a bit faster than they had been.
The Potential of Workflow
The potential of workflow can be understood in terms of maps and driving from one place to another. I've explained the general idea here.
Most software design starts with the equivalent of figuring out a map that shows where you are and where you want to get to. Then the craftsmanship begins. You end up with a hard-coded set of voluminous, low-level "directions" for driving two blocks, getting in the left lane, turning left, etc.
When the hard-coded directions fail to work well and the complaints are loud enough, the code is "enhanced," i.e., made even more complex, voluminous and hard to figure out by adding conditions and potential directional alternations.
Making the leap to an online, real time navigation system is way beyond the vast majority of software organizations. You know, one that takes account of changes, construction, feedback from other drivers on similar routes about congestion, whether your vehicle has a fee payment device installed, whether your vehicle is a truck, etc. Enhancements are regularly made to the metadata map and the ML/AI direction algorithms, which are independent of map details.
When software stays at the level of craftsmanship, you're looking at a nightmare of spaghetti code. Your cow paths aren't just paved -- they have foundations with top-grade rebar, concrete and curbs crafted of marble.
Metadata-driven workflow is the next step beyond schema enhancement for building automated systems to perform almost any job. It's a proven approach that many organizations have deployed -- literally for decades. But all the leaders of computing, including Computer Science departments at leading universities, remain obsessed with subjects that are irrelevant to the realities of building software that works; instead they stay focused on the wonders of craftsman-level low-level software languages. It's a self-contained universe where prestige is clearly defined and has nothing to do with the eternal truths of how optimal software is built.