There's a new book out about Data Humor.
If you like data, you will be amused by this book. If you feel tortured by data, join the crowd -- and read this book, it will relieve some of the stress. If you were wondering what nerd humor was all about, read this book -- better to learn about nerd humor by getting the giggles.
The author searched far and wide for data humor. She stumbled upon a blog that had some bits she thought were funny -- this blog, yes, the one you're reading now!
She contacted me to ask permission to quote me. After thinking hard about whether I should grant permission -- for about a microsecond -- I gave it. She asked me to check out a draft of the book. I guess she liked what I said because my quote went on the back cover and was the first of the quotes on Amazon.
"This is a brilliant book. The title says it's humorous. It's hilarious! But even more valuable is the sad-but-true insights it conveys about humans, lost and wandering in uncharted forests of data, anxious to escape."—David B. Black, Technology Partner, Oak HC/FT Partners
It's quite amazing how widely she searched for quotes, from places I never would have thought to look:
... book containing a collection of more than 400 funny and quirky quotes, puns, and punchlines related to data, big data, statistics, and data science, from different sources and a wide array of cultural figures, thought leaders and key influencers across the world- William Edwards Deming, Charles Wheelan, Brené Brown, David B. Black, Tim O’Reilly, Jill Dyché, Evan Levy, Gwen Thomas, George Mount, David Shenk, James Gleick, Jim Barksdale, Vincent Granville, Cathy O’Neill, Dale Carnegie, Martyn Richard Jones, Timo Elliott, Mark Twain, Phil Simon, Lewis Carroll, Oscar Wilde, Thomas H. Davenport, DJ Patil, Damian Mingle, Thomas C. Redman, Cassie Korykorv, Brent Dykes, Guy Bradshaw, Scott Taylor, Susan Walsh, Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, Arthur Conan Doyle, and many more.
Here's just one:
Data isn't information, any more than fifty tons of cement is a skyscraper.
Clifford Stoll (Stoll 1996)
Don't you need some light in your life? I promise, it's lighter in every way than fifty tons of concrete...