The creation of the original system that evolved into the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm in design and languages was smart. It was a creative, effective way to think about what was at the time a hard problem, simulating systems. It’s important to appreciate good thinking, even if the later evolution of that good thinking and the huge increase in the scope of application of OOP has been problematic.
The evolution of good software ideas
Lots of good ideas pop up in software, though most of them amount to little but variations on a small number of themes.
One amazingly brilliant idea was Bitcoin. It solved a really hard problem in creative ways, shown in part by its incredible growth and widespread acceptance. See this for my appreciation of the virtues of Bitcoin, which remains high in spite of the various things that have come after it.
The early development of software languages was also smart, though not as creative IMHO as Bitcoin. The creation of assembler language made programming practical, and the creation of the early 3-GL’s led to a huge productivity boost. A couple of later language developments led to further boosts in productivity, though the use of those systems has gradually faded away for various reasons.
The origin of Object-Oriented Programming
Wikipedia has a reasonable description of the origins of OOP:
In 1962, Kristen Nygaard initiated a project for a simulation language at the Norwegian Computing Center, based on his previous use of the Monte Carlo simulation and his work to conceptualise real-world systems. Ole-Johan Dahl formally joined the project and the Simula programming language was designed to run on the Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC) 1107. Simula introduced important concepts that are today an essential part of object-oriented programming, such as class and object, inheritance, and dynamic binding.
Originally it was built as a pre-processor for Algol, but they built a compiler for it in 1966. It kept undergoing change.
They became preoccupied with putting into practice Tony Hoare's record class concept, which had been implemented in the free-form, English-like general-purpose simulation language SIMSCRIPT. They settled for a generalised process concept with record class properties, and a second layer of prefixes. Through prefixing a process could reference its predecessor and have additional properties. Simula thus introduced the class and subclass hierarchy, and the possibility of generating objects from these classes.
Nygaard was well-rewarded for the invention of OOP, for which he is given most of the credit.
What was new about Nygaard’s OOP? Mostly, like Simscript, it provided a natural way to think about simulating real-world events and translating the simulation into software. As Wikipedia says:
The object-oriented Simula programming language was used mainly by researchers involved with physical modelling, such as models to study and improve the movement of ships and their content through cargo ports
In some (not all) simulation environments, thinking in terms of a set of separate actors that interact with each other is natural, and an object system fits it well. Making software that eases the path to expressing the solution to a problem is a clear winner. Simula was an advance in software for that class of applications, and deserves the credit it gets.
What should have happened next
Simula was an effective way to hard-code a computer simulation of a physical system. The natural next step an experienced programmer would take would be to extract out the description of the system being modeled and express it in easily editable metadata. This makes creating the simulation and making changes to it as easy as making a change to an Excel spreadsheet and clicking recalc. Here's the general idea of moving up the tree of abstraction. Here's an explanation and illustration of the power of moving concepts out of procedural code and into declarative metadata.
This is what good programmers do. They see all the hard-coded variations of general concepts in the early hard-coded simulation programs. They might start out by creating subroutines or classes to express the common things, but you still are hard-coding the simulation. So smart programmers take the parameters out of the code, put them into editable files and assure that they're declarative. Metadata! There are always exceptions where you need a calculation or an if-then-else -- no problem, you just enhance the metadata so it can include "rules" and you're set.
The Ultimate Solution
As you take your simulation problem and migrate it from hard-coded simulation to descriptive, declarative metadata, the notion of "objects" with inheritance begins to be a value-adding practicality ... in the metadata. You understand the system and its constraints increasingly -- for example ships in cargo ports.
Then you can take the crucial next step, which is worlds away from object-orientation but actually solves the underlying problem in a way simulation never can -- you build a constraint-based optimization model and solve it to make your cargo flows the best they could theoretically be!
People thinking simulation and programmers thinking objects will NEVER get there. They're locked in a paradigm that won't let them! This is the ultimate reason we should never be locked into OOP, and particularly locked into it by having the object-orientation concepts in the language itself, instead of employed when and as needed in a fully unconstrained language for instructions and data.
The later evolution of OOP
In spite of the power of moving from hard-coding to metadata, the language-obsessed elite of the computing world focused on the language itself and decided that its object orientation could be taken further. Simula’s object orientation ended up inspiring other languages and being one of the thought patterns that dominate software thinking. It led directly to Smalltalk, which was highly influential:
Smalltalk is also one of the most influential programming languages. Virtually all of the object-oriented languages that came after—Flavors, CLOS, Objective-C, Java, Python, Ruby, and many others—were influenced by Smalltalk. Smalltalk was also one of the most popular languages for agile software development methods, rapid application development (RAD) or prototyping, and software design patterns.The highly productive environment provided by Smalltalk platforms made them ideal for rapid, iterative development.
Lots of the promotional ideas associated with OOP grew along with Smalltalk, including the idea that objects were like Lego blocks, easily assembled into new programs with little work. It didn’t work out for Smalltalk, in spite of all the promotion and backing from influential players. The companies and the language itself dwindled and died.
It was another story altogether for the next generation of O-O languages, as Java became the language most associated with the internet as it grew in the 1990’s. I will tell more of the history later. For now I’ll just say that OOP is the paradigm most often taught in academia and generally in the industry.
OOP was invented by smart people who had a new problem to solve. Simula made things easier for modeling physical systems and was widely used for that purpose. As it was expanded and applied beyond the small category of problems for which it was invented, serious problems began to emerge that have never been solved. The problems are inherent in the very idea of OOP. The problems are deep and broad; the Pyramid of Doom is one of seemingly endless examples.
When OOP principles and languages were applied to databases and GUI’s, they failed utterly, to the extent that even the weight of elite experts couldn’t force their use instead of simple, effective approaches like RDBMS for database and javascript for GUI’s. OOP has evolved into a fascinating case study of the issues with Computer Science and the practice of software development, with complete acceptance in the mainstream along with widespread quiet dissent resulting from fraudulent claims of virtue.