If bridges fell down at anywhere close to the rate that software systems break and become unavailable, there would be mass revolt. Drivers would demand that bridge engineers make radical changes and improvements in bridge design and building. If criminals took over bridges and held the vehicles until they paid a ransom anywhere close to the number of times criminals rob organizations or their data or lock their systems until a ransom is paid, there would be mass revolt. In the world of software, this indefensible state of affairs is what passes for normal! Isn't it time for change? Has something like this ever happened in other fields that we can learn from?
Yes. It's happened enough that it's been studied, and the process of resistance to change until the overwhelming force of a new paradigm breaks through.
Thomas Kuhn was the author of a highly influential book published in 1962 called The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. He introduced the term “paradigm shift,” which is now a general idiom. Examining the history of science, he found that there were abrupt breaks. There would be a universally accepted approach to a scientific field that was challenged and then replaced with a revolutionary new approach. He made it clear that a paradigm shift wasn’t an important new discovery or addition – it was a whole conceptual framework that first challenged and then replaced the incumbent. An example is Ptolemaic astronomy in which the planets and stars revolved around the earth, replaced after long resistance by the Copernican revolution.
Computer Science is an established framework that reigns supreme in academia, government and corporations, including Big Tech. There are clear signs that it is as ready for a revolution as the Ptolemaic earth-centric paradigm was. Many aspects of the new paradigm have been established and proven in practice. Following the pattern of all scientific revolutions, there is massive establishment resistance, led by a combination of ignoring the issues and denying the problems.
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Thomas Kuhn received degrees in physics, up to a PhD from Harvard in 1949. He was into serious stuff, with a thesis called “The Cohesive Energy of Monovalent Metals as a Function of Their Atomic Quantum Defects.” Then he began exploring. As Wiki summarizes:
As he states in the first few pages of the preface to the second edition of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, his three years of total academic freedom as a Harvard Junior Fellow were crucial in allowing him to switch from physics to the history and philosophy of science. He later taught a course in the history of science at Harvard from 1948 until 1956, at the suggestion of university president James Conant.
His path for coming to his realization is fascinating. I recommend reading the book to anyone interested in how science works and the history of science.
After studying the history of science, he realized that it isn't just incremental progress.
Kuhn challenged the then prevailing view of progress in science in which scientific progress was viewed as "development-by-accumulation" of accepted facts and theories. Kuhn argued for an episodic model in which periods of conceptual continuity where there is cumulative progress, which Kuhn referred to as periods of "normal science", were interrupted by periods of revolutionary science. The discovery of "anomalies" during revolutions in science leads to new paradigms. New paradigms then ask new questions of old data, move beyond the mere "puzzle-solving" of the previous paradigm, change the rules of the game and the "map" directing new research.[1]
Real-life examples of this are fascinating. The example often given is the shift from "everything revolves around the earth" to "planets revolve around the sun." What's interesting here is the planetary predictions of the Ptolemaic method were quite accurate. The shift to Copernicus (Sun-centric) didn't increase accuracy, and the calculations grew even more complicated. The world was not convinced! Kepler made a huge step forward with elliptical orbits instead of circles with epicycles and got better results that made more sense. The scientific community was coming around. Then when Newton showed that Kepler's laws of motion could be derived from his core laws of motion and gravity the revolution won.
While the book doesn't emphasize this, it's worth pointing out that the Newtonian scientific paradigm "won" among a select group of numbers-oriented people. The public at large? No change.
Anomalies that drive change
One of the interesting things Kuhn describes are the factors that drive a paradigm shift in science -- anomalies, results that don't fit the existing theory. In most cases, anomalies are resolved within the paradigm and drive incremental change. When anomalies resist resolution, something else happens.
During the period of normal science, the failure of a result to conform to the paradigm is seen not as refuting the paradigm, but as the mistake of the researcher, contra Popper's falsifiability criterion. As anomalous results build up, science reaches a crisis, at which point a new paradigm, which subsumes the old results along with the anomalous results into one framework, is accepted. This is termed revolutionary science.
The strength of the existing paradigm is shown by the strong tendency to blame things on mistakes of the researcher -- or in the case of software, on failure to follow the proper procedures or to write the code well.
The Ruling Paradigm of Software and Computer Science
There is a reigning paradigm in software and Computer Science. As you would expect, the paradigm is almost never explicitly discussed. It has undergone some evolution over the last 50 years or so, but not as radical as some would have it.
At the beginning, computers were amazing new devices and people programmed them as best they could. Starting over 50 years ago, people began to notice that software took a long time and lots of effort to build and was frequently riddled with bugs. That's when the foundational aspects of the current paradigm were born and started to grow, continuing to this day:
- Languages should be designed and used to help programmers avoid making mistakes. Programs should be written in small pieces (objects, components, services, layers) that can be individually made bug-free.
- Best-in-class detailed procedures should be adapted from other fields to assure that the process from requirements through design, programming, quality assurance and release is standardized and delivers predictable results.
The ruling paradigm of software and computer science is embodied in textbooks, extensive highly detailed regulations, courses, certifications and an ever-evolving collection of organizational structures. Nearly everyone in the field unconsciously accepts it as reality.
Are There Anomalies that Threaten the Reigning Paradigm?
Yes. There are two kinds.
The first kind are the failures of delivery and quality that continue to plague by-the-book software development, in spite of decades of piling up the rules, regulations, methods and languages that are supposed to make software development reliable and predictable. The failures are mostly attributed to errors and omissions by the people doing the work -- if they had truly done things the right way, the problems would not have happened. At the same time, there is a regular flow of incremental "advances" in procedure and technology designed to prevent such problems. This is textbook Kuhn -- the defenders of the status quo attributing issues to human error.
The second kind of anomalies are bodies of new software that are created by small teams of people who ignore the universally taught and proscribed methods and get things done that teams 100's of times larger couldn't do. Things like this shouldn't be possible. Teams that ignore the rules should fail -- but instead most of the winning teams are ones that did things the "wrong" way. This is shown by the frequency of new software products being created by such rule-ignoring small groups, rocketing to success and then being bought by the rule-following organizations, including Big Tech, who can't do it -- in spite of their giant budgets and paradigm-conforming methods. See this and this.
When will this never-ending stream of paradigm-breaking anomalies make a paradigm-shifting revolution take place in Computer Science? There is no way of knowing. I don't see it taking place any time soon.
The good news about the resistance of the current consensus in Computer Science and software practice to a paradigm shift is that it provides the room for creative entrepreneurs to build new things that meet the unmet needs of the market The entrepreneurs don't even have to go all-in on the new software paradigm! They just need to ignore enough of the bad old stuff and use enough of the good new stuff to get things done that the rule-followers are incapable of. Sadly, the good news doesn't apply to fields that are so outrageously highly regulated that the buyer insists on being able to audit compliance during the build process. Nonetheless, there is lots of open space for creative people to build and grow.