In prior posts I’ve given an overview of the advances in programming languages, described in detail the major advances and defined just what is meant by “high” in the phrase high-level language. In this post I’ll dive into the additional capabilities added to 3-GL’s that brought them to a peak of productivity.
Let’s remember what high-level languages are all about: productivity! They are about the amount of work it takes to write the code and how easy code is read.
The first major advance, from machine language to assembler, was largely about eliminating the grim scut-work of taking the statements you wanted to write and making the statements “understandable” to the machine by expressing them in binary. Ugh.
The second major advance, to 3-GL’s like FORTRAN and COBOL, was about eliminating the work of translating from your intention to the assembler statements required to express that intention. A single line of 3-GL code can easily translate into 10 or 20 lines of assembler code. And the 3-GL line of code often comes remarkably close to what you actually want to “say” to the computer, both writing it and reading it.
FORTRAN achieved this goal to an amazing extent.
“with the first FORTRAN compiler delivered in April 1957.[9]:75 This was the first optimizing compiler, because customers were reluctant to use a high-level programming language unless its compiler could generate code with performance approaching that of hand-coded assembly language.[16]”
“While the community was skeptical that this new method could possibly outperform hand-coding, it reduced the number of programming statements necessary to operate a machine by a factor of 20, and quickly gained acceptance.”
The reduction in the amount of work was the crucial achievement, but just as important was the fact that each set of FORTRAN statements were understandable, in that they came remarkably close to expressing the programmer’s intent, what the programmer wanted to achieve. No scratching your head when you read the code thinking to yourself “I wonder what he’s trying to say here??” This meant easier to write, fewer errors and easier to read.
Enhancing conditional branching and loops
The very first iteration of FORTRAN was an amazing achievement, but it’s no surprise that it wasn’t perfect. At an individual statement level it was nearly perfect. When reading long groups of statements there were situations where the code was clear, but the intention of the programmer not clearly expressed in the code itself – it had to be inferred from the code.
The first FORTRAN had a couple of the intention-expressing statements: a primitive IF statement and DO loop. Programmers soon realized that more could be done. The next major version was FORTRAN 66, which cleaned up and refined the early attempts at structuring. Along with the appropriate use of in-line comments, it was nearly as clear and intention-expressing as any practical programmer could want.
The final milestone in the march to intention-expressing languages was C.
It’s an amazing language. While FORTRAN was devised by people who wanted to do math/science calculations and COBOL by people who wanted to do business data processing, C was devised to enable computer people to write anything – above all “systems” software, like operating systems, compilers and other tools. In fact, C was used to re-write the first Unix operating system so that it could run on any machine without re-writing. C remains the language that is used to implement the vast majority of systems software to this day.
I bring it up in this context because C added important intention-expressing elements to its language that have remained foundational to this day. It enhanced conditional statements, creating the full IF-THEN-ELSE-ENDIF that has been common ever since. This meant you could say IF <condition is true> THEN <a statement>. The statement would only be executed if the condition was true. You could tack on ELSE <another statement> ENDIF. This isn’t dramatic, but the only other way to express this common thought is with GOTO statement – which certainly can be understood, but takes some figuring. In addition, C added the ability to use a delimited block of statements wherever a single statement could be used. When there are a moderate number of statements in a block, the code is easy to read. When there would be a large number, a good programmer creates a subroutine instead.
C added a couple more handy intention-expressing statements. A prime example is the SWITCH CASE BREAK statement. This is used when you have a number of conditions and something specific to do for each. The SWITCH defines the condition, and CASE <value> BREAK pairs define what to do for each possible <value> of the SWITCH.
Lots of following languages have added more and more statements to handle special cases, but the cost of a more complex language is rarely balanced with the benefit in ease and readability.
The great advance that's been ignored: Macros
C did something about all those special cases that goes far beyond the power of adding new statements to a language, and vastly increases not just the power and readability of the language but more important the speed and accuracy of making changes. This is the macro pre-processor.
I was already very familiar with macros when I first encountered the C language, because they form a key part of a good assembler language – to the extent that an assembler that has such a facility is usually called a macro-assembler. Macros enable you to define blocks of text including argument substitution. They resemble subroutine calls, but they are translated at compile time to code which is then compiled along with the hand-written code. A macro can do something simple like create a symbol for a constant that is widely used in a program, but which may have to be changed. When a change is needed, you just change the macro definition and – poof! – everywhere it’s used it has the new value. It can also do complex things that result in multiple lines of action statements and/or data definitions. It is the most powerful and extensible tool for expressing intention and enabling rapid, low-risk change in the programmer’s toolbox. While the C macro facility isn’t quite as powerful as the best macro-assemblers, it’s a zillion times better than not having one at all, like all the proud but pathetic modern languages that wouldn’t know a macro if it bit them in the shin.
The next 50 years of software language advances
The refrain of people who want to stay up to date with computers is, of course, "What's new?" Everyone knows that computers evolve more quickly than anything else in human existence, by a long shot. The first cell phones appeared not so long ago, and they were "just" cell phones. We all know that now they're astounding miniature computers complete with screens, finger and voice input, cameras and incredible storage and just about any app you can think of. So course we want to know what's new.
The trouble is that all that blindingly-fast progress is in the hardware. Software is just along for the ride! The software languages and statements that you write are 99% the same as in the long-ago times before smart phones. Of course there are different drivers and things you have to call, just as in any hardware environment. But the substance of the software and the lines of code you use to write it are nearly the same. Here is a review of the last 50 years of "advances" in software. Bottom line: it hasn't advanced!
Oh, an insider might argue: what about the huge advances of the object-oriented revolution? What about Google's new powerhouse, Go? Insiders may ooh and ahh, just like people at a fashion catwalk. The come-back is simple: what about programmer productivity? Claims to this effect are sometimes made, but more often its that the wonderful new language protects against stupid programmers making errors or something. There has not been so much as a single effort to measure increase of programmer productivity or quality. There is NO experimental data!! See this for more. Calling what programmers do "Computer Science" is a bad joke. It's anything but a science.
What this means is simple: everyone knows the answer -- claims about improvement would not withstand objective experiments -- and therefore the whole subject is shut down. If you're looking for a decades-old example of "cancel culture," this is it. Don't ask, don't tell.
3-GL's brought software programming to an astounding level of productivity. Using them you could write code quickly. The code you wrote came pretty close to expressing what you wanted the computer to do with minimal wasted effort. Given suitable compilers, the code could run on any machine. Using a 3-GL was at least 10X more productive than what came before for many applications.
A couple language features were incorporated into the very first languages, like conditional branching and controlled looping, that were good first steps. The next few years led early programmers to realize that a few more elaborations of conditional branching and controlled looping would handle the vast majority of practical cases. With those extra language features, code became highly expressive. All subsequent languages have incorporated these advances in some form. Sadly, the even more productive feature of macros has been abandoned, but as we'll see in future posts, their power can be harnessed to an even greater extent in the world of declarative metadata.