In prior posts I’ve given an overview of the advances in programming languages, described in detail the major advances and defined just what is meant by “high” in the phrase high-level language. I've described the advances in structuring and conditional branching that brought 3-GL’s to a peak of productivity.
The structuring and branching caught the attention of academics. Watch out! What happened next was that a theorem was proved, a movement was declared and named, and a certain indispensable part of any programming language, the GO TO statement, was declared to be a thing only used by bad programmers and should be banned. Here's the story of the nefarious GOTO.
Structures in Programming Languages
I've described how structures were part of the first 3-GL's and how they were soon elaborated to more clearly express the intention of programmers, making code even more productive to write. The very first FORTRAN compiler, delivered in 1957, included primitive versions of conditional branching and loops, two of the foundations of programming structure. It was so powerful that the early users figured it decreased the number of statements needed to achieve a result more than 10 times.
These are the people who actually WRITE PROGRAMS! They want to make it easier and jumped on anything that gave a dramatic improvement.
“Significantly, the increasing popularity of FORTRAN spurred competing computer manufacturers to provide FORTRAN compilers for their machines, so that by 1963 over 40 FORTRAN compilers existed. For these reasons, FORTRAN is considered to be the first widely used cross-platform programming language.”
Before long, the structuring capabilities of the original IF (conditional branching) and DO (controlled looping) statements were enhanced and augmented to something close to their current form. I describe this here. The result was a peak of programmer productivity that has not substantially been increased since, and often been degraded.
The Bohm-Jacopini Theorem
Completely independent of the amazing advances in languages and programming productivity that were taking place, math-oriented non-programmers were hard at work deciding how software should be written. Here is the story in brief:
The structured program theorem, also called the Böhm–Jacopini theorem,[1][2] is a result in programming language theory. It states that a class of control-flow graphs (historically called flowcharts in this context) can compute any computable function if it combines subprograms in only three specific ways (control structures). These are
- Executing one subprogram, and then another subprogram (sequence)
- Executing one of two subprograms according to the value of a boolean expression (selection)
- Repeatedly executing a subprogram as long as a boolean expression is true (iteration)
The structured chart subject to these constraints may however use additional variables in the form of bits (stored in an extra integer variable in the original proof) in order to keep track of information that the original program represents by the program location. The construction was based on Böhm's programming language P′′.
The theorem forms the basis of structured programming, a programming paradigm which eschews goto commands and exclusively uses subroutines, sequences, selection and iteration.
This theorem got all the academic types involved with computers riled up. The key to good software has been discovered! The fact that math theorems are incomprehensible to the vast majority of people, and the fact that perfectly good computer programs can be written by people who aren't math types didn't concern any of these self-anointed geniuses.
The important thing to note about the theorem is that it was NOT created in order to make programming easier or more productive. It just "proved" that it was "possible" to write a program under the absurd and perverse constraints of the theorem to compute any computable function. Assuming you were willing to use a weird set of bits to store location information in ways that would make any such program unreadable by any normal person. Way to go, guys -- let's go back to the days of writing in all-binary machine language!
The Crisis in Software and its solution
Not long after this, the academic group of Computer Science “experts” formed. They had a conference. They looked at the state of software and declared it to be abysmal. The whole conference was about the "crisis" in software. See this for details.
One of the most prominent of those Computer Scientists was Edsger W. Dijkstra. He looked at the powerful constructs for conditional branching, loops and blocks that had been added to 3-GL's and invented the term "structured programming" to describe them. He related those statements to the wonderful but useless math proof about the minimal requirements for programming a solution to any "computable function." The proof "proved" that such programs could be written without the equivalent of a GOTO statement. BTW, I do not dispute this. He wrote "the influential "Go To Statement Considered Harmful" open letter in 1968."
Among the solutions to the software crisis they proclaimed was strict adherence to the dogma of what Dijkstra called “structured programming,” which prominently declared that the GOTO statement had no place in good programming and should be eliminated.
Does the fact that's it is POSSIBLE to program a solution to any computable function without using GOTO mean that you SHOULD write without using GOTO's? When children go to school, it's POSSIBLE for them to crawl the whole way, without using "walking" at all. Everyone accepts that this is possible. When you're on your feet all sorts of bad things can happen -- you can trip and fall! Most important, you can get the job done without walking ... and therefore you SHOULD eliminate walking for kids getting to school. QED.
This is academia for you – a prime example of how Computer Science works hard to make sure that programs are hard to write, understand and deliver, all in the name of achieving the opposite.
The debate about structured programming
There was no debate about the utility of the conditional branching, controlled looping and block structures that rapidly became part of any productive software language. They were there and programmers used them, then and now. The debate was about "structured programming," which by its academic definition outlawed the use of the GOTO statement. That wasn't all. It also outlawed having more than one exit to a routine, breaks from loops and other productive, transparent and generally useful constructs.
I remember clearly as a programmer in the 1980's having a non-technical manager type coming to me and quizzing me about whether I was following the rigors of structured programming, which was then talked about as the only way to write good code. I don't remember my answer, but since I knew the manager would never go to the trouble of actually -- gasp! -- reading code, my answer probably didn't matter.
The most important thing to know about the leader of the wonderful movement to purify programming is his lack of interest in actually writing code:
Fortunately, there are sane people in the world, including the incomparable Donald Knuth (an academic Computer Scientist who's actually great!) and a number of others.
An alternative viewpoint is presented in Donald Knuth's Structured Programming with go to Statements, which analyzes many common programming tasks and finds that in some of them GOTO is the optimal language construct to use.[9] In The C Programming Language, Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie warn that goto is "infinitely abusable", but also suggest that it could be used for end-of-function error handlers and for multi-level breaks from loops.[10] These two patterns can be found in numerous subsequent books on C by other authors;[11][12][13][14] a 2007 introductory textbook notes that the error handling pattern is a way to work around the "lack of built-in exception handling within the C language".[11] Other programmers, including Linux Kernel designer and coder Linus Torvalds or software engineer and book author Steve McConnell, also object to Dijkstra's point of view, stating that GOTOs can be a useful language feature, improving program speed, size and code clarity, but only when used in a sensible way by a comparably sensible programmer.[15][16] According to computer science professor John Regehr, in 2013, there were about 100,000 instances of goto in the Linux kernel code.[17]
Any programmer can make mistakes. Any statement type can be involved in that mistake. For example, I think nearly everyone accepts that cars are a good thing. But over 30,000 people a year DIE in car accidents! So where's the movement to eliminate cars because of this awful outcome! It makes as much sense as outlawing the GOTO because sometimes it's used improperly. Like every other statement type.