Even lay people have heard that there are computer languages. They've heard that the languages process data -- they take data in and put it out. They gather there are commands in the language to do stuff to data. So of course software is actions.
In spite of this knowledge, something very different is in the forefront of peoples' thinking about software, both in the industry and not. This different way of thinking results from the fact that software is invisible to nearly everyone, and that in order to think and communicate about it, language is used that assumes software is a thing.
We talk about a body of software, the 2021 version of a piece of software, as though it were a car. Speaking of cars, we talk about how software crashes. We talk about how software has bugs, a phrase that originated from a bug found in a long-ago computer that had broken.
We talk about creating requirements for a new piece of software that someone will architect and the building may be put out to bid. The rest of the software building process sounds remarkably like building a house. We think of a time when the building project is done and we can start using the house.
The trouble is that a house just sits there. It’s a passive physical object. Software is NOT a physical object; it’s mostly is a set of actions to be taken by a computer, along with some built-in data. A piece of software is like a data factory – it takes data in, makes all sorts of changes, sometimes puts some of it in a storage room, and spits out data in all sorts of volumes and formats. A software program responds to each piece of data it gets, e.g. mouse click or data file; software is an actor, while a house is a thing that does nothing. Designing a piece of software is more like writing a play for an improv theater – instead of having a fixed script, the play can go in all sorts of directions depending on the input it gets from the audience. The improv theater script even has to tell the actor that when an audience member uses a swear word, the actor has to respond saying that those words aren’t permitted, would he like to try again. This is NOTHING like designing a house! Here is more detail.
Suppose you use an advanced architecture program and design a house in great detail. Modern programs go down to the level of the framing, the details of the steps, doors and windows, literally every object that will be part of the eventual house. When you're done with such a design, you can give it to the building department for approval and to a construction company to build. If they follow the instructions correctly, you'll get exactly what you saw in the 3-D renderings and the live-action walk-throughs. Here's the killer: the equivalent of such a detailed design for computer software is ... a computer program! Or at least enough detail in pseudo-code, data definitions and screen designs so that coding is fairly mechanical. A detailed design for a computer program is like the results of extensive interactions by the script-writing team for a new episode of a series TV show, with recordings and lots of notes. Chances are a junior script-writer who has been intensely following everything with some participation is assigned the job of producing a clean draft of the script, ready for refinement and editing. That is the program, ready for actors to give it a studio reading, like you would run a test version of the software for the developers.
Software isn't a thing, regardless of how often we talk about it as though it were. It isn't a thing, even though we nearly always use methods like project management developed for building things for organizing its creation. Software is a collection of actions, like an incredibly detailed script for improvisational theater with loads of conditional branching and the ability to bring things up that were talked about before in creative and useful ways.
This matters because how you think influences what you do. If you're thinking about running a marathon while you're climbing a mountain, chances are you'll slip and fall. If you're thinking about baseball plays while you're trying to choreograph a ballet, I suspect you won't win any awards. But at least those are thinking about actions. If you're thinking about the design of a book while you're writing a comedy, I doubt you'll get many laughs.
This fundamental concept is a core aspect of all of programming. The fact that people so often have the wrong things in their heads while they are dealing with software has profound effects.
And ... just as bad, we mostly don't "build" software -- mostly we change it!