Once computers were invented and started being used, people discovered that writing programs for them was brutally hard. It didn’t take long before some smart folks figured out ways to make it easier, taking two giant steps forward in ease and productivity in quick succession.
After that wonderful start, people kept on inventing new languages, but somehow never made things better – in fact the new languages often made programming harder and less productive, a situation that the experts and exalted Professors studiously ignored. They never even bothered to spell out what makes one language better than another, which you'd think would be at the heart of promoting a new language.
I this post I’ll discuss a major category of new languages that keep getting created, receive passionate kudos, are rarely used but refuse to die: functional languages. In a subsequent post I'll describe the truly good idea that lurks inside the madness of the functional language world.
The core idea: time and timeless, music and math
I learned math as a kid. In high school I took the most accelerated and advanced courses available, finishing with a course in calculus, which I aced while mostly sitting in the back of the classroom teaching myself differential equations from my father’s grad school text book. I liked it. At the same time I got into music of multiple kinds but with a strong preference for classical. The strong connection between music and math has often been noted.
During my junior year of high school I took a course in computer programming, with FORTRAN as the language. Our “teacher,” scrambling to keep a chapter ahead of us in the text book, had arranged machine time for the class on Saturdays at a computer at a nearby rocket firm, Reaction Motors. After lots more programming, by my first year of college, it was clear that math took a distinct second place to both music and software in my heart.
In this post I explain where software comes from and its relation to music. The key concept is that, while you can read a page of music or software or math, math usually exists in a world “outside” of time – at most, time is a dimension like space; think for example of a proof in geometry. Music and software, by contrast, can only be understood as flowing through time. When you look at a page of music or software you naturally start at the beginning and hear/see it flow through time in your mind, just like reading a page of text.
What this means is that there is a fundamental dis-connect between math and computing. I explore this disconnect here. The math types are always trying to turn software into math, for example plodding for decades on a fruitless pursuit for ways to “prove” the correctness of programs.
This is the best way to understand both the failure and the refusal to admit defeat of the math types to develop a practical math-like way to write software, an effort and category of languages that is usually called “functional.”
The history of functional languages
Wikipedia's introduction to functional languages is accurate:
Turing had nothing to do with making software programming practical. That amazing job fell to others, who created the two giant advances in software language development. But since the math types were hanging around computers in the early days, particularly because doing math calculation was one of the earliest tasks to which computers were applied, finding a way to make programming more math-like, essentially eliminating the factor of time from software was a top priority.
I had already done serious programming, including working on a giant FORTRAN project to optimize oil refinery operation, when a friend introduced me to functional programming for the first time. The language was APL. It came a bit closer to being able to handle practical math than many of the other non-functional "functional languages" because of its focus on the matrix, but it was as easy to read and understand as advanced math. I could and can imagine that it would be appropriate for representing certain math transformations in a compact way, but why anyone who wasn't being tortured would agree to use it for general programming remains beyond me -- assuming of course that what you want is to ... radical idea here, be warned! ... get stuff done. As opposed to demonstrate and revel in your ideological and mathematical purity and exalted status in the pantheon of Computer Science greatness.
None of this is any concern to the cultists, who march on inventing an endless stream of "new" functional languages. Among the names you might see if you look into this are OCaml, Scheme, Haskell, Clojure, Scala. There are even a few that are object-oriented on top of being functional, like Erlang. Articles continue to pop their heads up out of the underground insisting that functional languages really are making inroads in commercial applications, better for getting a job, more effective to use to create your ground-breaking start-up, etc. I predict no end to the flow.
The fact that functional languages are mostly of interest to a cult of fanatical core believers minimizes their widespread, on-going pernicious impact on software development, fueled by the near-universal math orientation of academic and corporate Computer Science. Functional concepts keep getting introduced by language fanatics into otherwise-sane normal languages.
Computer software is rarely driven by purely practical considerations much less objective knowledge and definition of what constitutes "good" in a language. But when an approach like functional programming is pushed that leads to results that are often 10X worse on multiple dimensions than "normal" programming, the problem is so large that people who aren't already committed members of the cult notice the difference and refuse to put up with the nonsense.
In spite of all this, there is an amazing valuable insight at the core of the functional language movement that leads to highly productive, real-world-valuable results when embodied in the right way. I will spell this insight out and illustrate its use in a subsequent post. The heart of the insight is taking a declarative approach instead of an imperative one when and to the extent that is appropriate.