There's a simple way to understand the impact of micro-services on programmer productivity: they make it worse. Much worse. How can that be?? Aren't monolithic architectures awful nightmares making applications unable to scale and causing a drain on programmer productivity? No. No. NO! Does this mean that every body of monolithic code is wonderful, supporting endless scaling and optimal programmer productivity? Of course not. Most of them have problems on many dimensions. But the always-wrenching transition to micro-services makes things worse in nearly all cases. Including reducing programmer productivity.
Micro-services for Productivity
Micro-services are often one of the first buzzwords appearing on the resumes of fashion-forward CTO's. They are one of today's leading software fashions; see this for more on software fashions. I have treated in depth the false claims of micro-services to make applications "scalable."
I recently discussed the issue with a couple CTO's using micro-services who admitted that their applications will never need to get up to hundreds of transactions a second, a tiny fraction of the capacity of modern cloud DBMS's. In each case, they have fallen back on the assertion that micro-services are great for programmer productivity, enabling their teams to move in fast, independent groups with minimal cross-team disruption.
The logic behind this assertion has a couple major aspects. The basic assertion that small teams, each concentrating on a single subject area, are more productive than large, amorphous teams is obviously correct. This is an old idea. It has nothing to do with micro-services. It takes a fair amount of effort for members of a team to develop low-friction ways of working together, and it also takes time to understand a set of requirements and a body of existing code. Why not leverage that investment, keeping the team intact and working on the same or similar subject areas? Of course you should! No-brainer!
Here's the fulcrum point: given that it's good to have a small team "owning" a given set of functionality and code, what's the best way to accomplish this? The assertion of those supporting micro-services is that the best way is to break the code into separate, completely distinct pieces, and to make each piece a separate, independent executable, deployed in its own container, and interacting with other services using some kind of service bus, queuing mechanism or web API interface shared by the other services. The theory is that you can deploy as many copies of the executables as you want and change each one independently of the others, resulting in great scalability and team independence. In most cases, each micro-service even has its own data store for maximum independence.
I covered the bogus argument about scalability here. You can deploy all the copies of a monolith that you want to. Having separate DBMS's introduces an insane amount of extra work, since there's no way (with rare exceptions) each service database would be truly independent of the others, and sending around the data controlled by the other services at least triples the work. The original service has to get the data and not only store it locally, but send it to at least one other service, which then has to receive it and store it. That's 4X the work to build in the first place and 4X again every time you need to make changes. And sending things from one service to another is thousands of times slower than simply making a local call.
Now we're down to productivity. Surely having the group concentrate on its own body of code is a plus, isn't it? YES! It is! But how does having a separation of concerns in a large body of code somehow require that the code devoted to a particular subject be built and deployed as its own executable???
Let's look at a "monolithic" body of code. Getting into detail, it amounts to a hierarchy of directories containing files. Some of the files will have shared routines (classes or whatever) and others won't be shared. For most groups, going to micro-services means taking those directories and converting them to separate directories, each built and deployed by the team that owns it. Anyone who's tried this and/or knows a large body of code well knows that there's a range of independence, with some routines being clearly separable, some being clearly shared and others some of each.
A sensible person would look at this set of directories as a large group of routines organized into files and directories as it was built. They would see that as changes were made and things evolved, the code and the organization got messy. There were bits of logic that were scattered all over the place that should be put in one place. There were things that were variations on a theme that should be coded once, with the variations handled in parameters or metadata. There were good routines that ended up in the wrong place. The sensible person realizes that not only is this messy, but it makes things harder to find and change, and makes it more likely that something will break when you change it.
The sensible person who sees redundancy and sloppy organization wants to fix it. One long-used way to organize code to avoid the problem is to create what are called "components," which are sort of junior versions of microservices. Here is a detailed description of the issues with components, and how sensible people respond to the hell-bent drive towards components. The metaphor of a kitchen with multiple cooks as an apt one.
Then there's the generic approach of technical debt. While you can go crazy about this, the phrase "paying down technical debt" is a reasonable one. For my take on this tricky subject, see this. Here's a simple way to understand the process and value, and here's a more far-reaching explanation of the general principle of Occamality.
The sensible person now has things organized well, with most of the redundancy squeezed out. Why is this important? Simple. What do you mostly do to code? Change it. When you look for the thing that needs changing, where would you like it to be? In ONE PLACE. Not many places in different variations. Concerns about basically the same thing should be in a single set of code. You can build it, deploy it and test it easily.
What's the additional value of taking related code and putting it in its own directory tree, with its own build and deployment? None! First, it's extra work to do it. Second, there are always relationships between the "separate" bodies of code -- that's why, when they're separate services, you've got enterprise service buses, cross-service calls, etc. Extra work! And HUGE amounts of performance overhead. Even worse, if you start out with a micro-services approach instead of converting to one, your separate teams will certainly confront similar problems and code solutions to them independently, creating exactly the kind of similar-but-different code cancer that sensible people try to avoid and/or eliminate!
Separate teams with separate executables also have extra trouble testing. No extra testing trouble you say? Because you do test-driven development and have nice automated tests for everything? I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you, but if you really do all this obsolete stuff, your productivity is worse by at least a factor of two than if you used modern comparison-based testing. Not to mention that your quality as delivered is worse. See this and this.
Bottom line: separation of concerns in the code is a good thing. Among other things, it enables small groups to mostly work on just part of the code without being an expert in everything. Each group will largely be working on separate stuff, except when there are overlaps. All of this has nothing to do with separate deployment of the code blocks as micro-services. Adding micro-services to the code clean-up is a LOT of extra work that furthermore requires MORE code changes, an added burden to testing and ZERO productivity benefit.
The claim that small teams working closely together on a sensible subset of a larger code base is a productivity-enhancing way to organize things is true. Old news. The claim that code related to a subject should be in one place also makes sense, kind of the way that pots and pans are kept in the kitchen where they're used instead of in bedroom closets. Genius! Going to the extreme of making believe that a single program should be broken into separate little independent programs that communicate with each other and that the teams and programs share nothing but burdensome communications methods is a productivity killer. It's as though instead of being rooms in a house, places for a family to cook, eat, sleep and relax each had its own building, requiring travel outside to get from one to the other. Anyone want to go back to the days of outhouses? That's what micro-services are, applied to all the rooms of a house.