Subroutine calls are glossed over as yet another thing to learn when software is taught or described. The fact is that subroutine calls are one of the most amazing, powerful aspects of computer programming. They are the first step up the mountain of abstraction, the path towards creating software that solves problems with optimal efficiency, effectiveness and ease.
What's a subroutine? In common-sense terms, it's like a habit. I hope you have the habit of brushing your teeth. Calling a subroutine is like deciding you should brush your teeth. The subroutine itself is like the steps you take to brush your teeth: open your medicine chest, get out your toothbrush and toothpaste (probably always in the same order), etc. When you're done (you've rinsed your mouth and put stuff away for the next time) the subroutine is done and it "returns" to whatever called it -- what was I doing when I decided it was time to brush my teeth, you might think, but a computer subroutine always returns to exactly where it was before making the subroutine call.
In computer subroutines this calling behavior can get more elaborate. Subroutines can call (start) other subroutines, which can call yet others, without end. This is called "nested" calling.
The teeth cleaning subroutine ends with (we hope) clean teeth. Computer subroutines can end with (return) lots more. Suppose you're researching political revolutions and are making lots of notes. Then you decide it's important to study the 1917 Russian revolution. You put your general revolution notes to the side and dive into Russia. You start taking notes and then realize how important the Menshiviks and Bolshiviks are. You put the notes you've taken so far on 1917 on top of the general notes and dive into the next subject. When you've gone as deep down the rabbit hole as you can stand, you take the top notes from your stack on the side, and fill in the notes of what you've just learned. Eventually you pick up the next notes from the stack and so on until you're back to your revolution notes. It's also a bit similar to clicking on a web page, and then on that one and then again, and finally hitting the back arrow until you're back on the page where you started. Each new subject you dive into is like calling a subroutine, from which you can make further calls, eventually returning from each to the place you left off, only now with additional knowledge and information.
Just like in real life, when you call a subroutine you pass it information (parameters). The information you pass tells the subroutine exactly what you wish done. When the subroutine is done it can pass information back to the caller. You might pass dirty plates to the dishwasher subroutine, for example, which passes clean plates back when it returns. Or more elaborately you could pass a bunch of ingredients to the bake-a-cake routine and it would return a cake.
Some Technobabble
Computer software people aren't as clear as you'd like them to be with the names they use. The term I'm using here, "subroutine," is out of fashion these days, though still in use. In different software languages or programming communities a subroutine could be called a routine, subprogram, function, method or procedure.
Let's start with the basics of programming languages. Here's an overview of the bedrock on which everything is built, machine language, and the higher-level languages that have been built on that foundation. When you look at the memory of a computer what you see is data. It's all one's and zero's. But some of that data can be understood by the machine to be instructions. An instruction may include a reference to a memory location, an address. The instruction could ask that the data at the given address replace the value in a register, be added to it or other supported functions. There is always a "jump" instruction, which instructs the machine not to execute the next sequential instruction as it normally would, but to execute instead the instruction at the address in the instruction. There are test instructions that normally cause a jump if the specified condition is met.
The Subroutine call
Amongst the rich jumble of instruction types is one that stands out with amazing power: the subroutine call. A subroutine call, sometimes implemented directly in machine language and sometimes in multiple machine language instructions, does a couple things at once.
- It saves the address of the location after the subroutine call somewhere, usually on a stack.
- It puts some parameters someplace, often on a stack.
- It transfers control to the starting address of the subroutine.
The subroutine then:
- Executes its instructions, getting parameters from wherever they were passed to it.
- Returns to the address after the caller as stored on the stack
- Optionally gives a "return value" to the calling code.
Call by value vs. call by reference!
It's a bit esoteric, but there's an important distinction between two basic ways parameters can be passed to a subroutine: pass by value and pass by reference. Some languages can handle both kinds, while others can only handle one. This sounds abstract but it's important and easy to understand. Passing by value is like when you put the ingredients for a cake into a box, pass the box through an opening to another room, where a baker turns the ingredients into a cake and passes the cake (the value) back through the opening. Passing by reference is like when there's a larger kitchen and one of the people working there is a baker. You ask the baker to bake a cake, and the baker goes into the different storage places, gets the ingredients she needs and turns them into a cake on the spot. In passing by value the subroutine only gets what you give it. In passing by reference, you tell the subroutine (by address pointers) what it should work with. In the peculiar world of object-oriented thinking, the equivalent of calling by reference is sacrilegious. But that's a subject for another time.
Subroutine Power
Subroutines are the first step towards reducing the size and complexity of applications, increasing their level of abstraction, and making them easier to change and enhance with minimal trouble and error. Subroutines are high on the list of fundamental concepts of computing.