The vast majority of production software applications undergo a process of continuous modification to meet the evolving needs of the business. Sometimes organizations get fed up with the time and cost of modifying an application decide to replace it entirely. The replacement is most often a brand-new application.
When this happens, nearly everyone agrees that a different programming language should be used for building the new version. After all, everyone knows that programming languages have advanced tremendously since the about-to-be-replaced application was written, so it just makes sense to pick a modern language and get the job done. It occurs to exactly no one that advances in science and even writing novels are regularly achieved by using the same languages that are already in wide use. See this for details.
In a prior post I described a couple of such huge efforts in the credit card industry to take advantage of the latest software technology, specifically 4-GL's and Java. The results didn't make headlines, but news of both multi-year, multi-tens-of-million-dollar disasters spread through industry insiders, of which I was a member at the time.
At around the same time two major card processing companies faced the same challenges and made very different decisions about how to go forward. They did NOT choose the latest-and-greatest programming languages, but went with choices most people in technology thought were obsolete. The result? In sharp contrast with the cool kids who went with powerful modern languages, both projects succeeded. Here are the stories.
Total Systems Services (TSYS) and moving to COBOL
TSYS began inside a little bank in Columbus Georgia as a group writing software to process credit cards in 1959. In 1974 it began processing cards for other banks, went public in the 1980’s and by the 1990’s was a major force in card processing services. Partly due to its early origins and some highly efficient early programmers, its processing software was largely written in IBM assembler code – in the 1990’s!
Executives at the bank decided to modernize the software. I have no inside information on the reasons for their decision. It could have been as simple as a desire to have their software not tied to a particular machine. In any case they authorized a major, multi-year project to rewrite what had become a huge body of production software. Talk about risky! One of the amazing things is that they decided to close their ears to the near-universal acclaim being given to modern software languages and methods and take the relatively low-risk path of re-writing the entire body of assembler language into … COBOL – the very language that was derided and that others were going to great lengths to get out of!!
TSYS put a big team on the job, took a couple years to get it done, and around the end of the 1990’s moved all their production from their old body of IBM assembler code to the new COBOL system with no disruptions in service. An impressive achievement, to put it mildly. The fact that they knew the requirements because of their existing working system written in assembler language played a big role. But the two failed efforts I describe here had the same advantage! The point here is that the 3-GL COBOL is HUGELY more productive than 2-GL assembler language, so the rewrite made sense, in sharp contrast to the failed efforts.
Paysys and COBOL
When I joined Paysys in the mid-1990’s it had two major products: CardPac (processing for credit cards issued by banks) and Vision21 (processing for credit cards issued by retailers, supporting multiple, extensive credit plans on a single account). The company created a first unification of the two products into what became the industry’s leading systems for processing cards, VisionPLUS. The project was completed and put into production while I was there. There were over 5 million lines of COBOL code in the final product.
The COBOL code was unique in being able to handle an unprecedented range of requirements, including a large number of installations outside the US for Citibank, Amex and GE Capital, and in Japan. It handled over 150 million cards across multiple installations at that time.
The head of First Data decided to buy the company at the end of the year 2000, mostly because his existing code base, written in assembler language, couldn’t be made to meet international requirements. The COBOL code First Data bought is now the core of their processing, handling over 600 million cards, far more than any other body of software. Migrating from assembler language to a proven body of COBOL code was a big winner. Twenty years later the code continues to be a winner as its growth by hundreds of millions of accounts demonstrates.
Why should anyone care about this ancient history? Easy: to this day, status in software is conferred by being involved with cool new languages that are oh-so-much-better than prior ones. For example if you're involved in super-cool blockchain, no one with a brain in their head would even suggest using an existing language to implement what are called smart contracts. You need something new and "safe." Sure. The fact is, there have been no significant advances in programming languages in the last fifty years. Nothing but rhetoric and baseless claims.
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Posted by: newcracksoft | 02/16/2021 at 12:10 AM