Not long after third-generation computer languages (3-GL’s) got established, ever-creative software types started inventing the next generation. In a prior post, I’ve covered two amazing programming environments that were truly an advance. They were both widely used in multiple variations, and programs written using them continue to perform important functions today – for example powering more hospitals than any competing system. But they were pretty much stand-alone unicorns; the academic community ignored them entirely and nearly all the leading figures, experts and trend-setters in software ignored them and looked elsewhere.
Experts “in the know” directed their attention to what came to be called fourth-generation languages (4-GL’s) and object-oriented (O-O) 3-GL’s. These were supposed to be the future of software. Let’s see what happened with 4-GL's.
The background of 4-GL’s
The earlier posts in this series give background that is helpful to understand the following discussion.
In prior posts I’ve given an overview of the advances in programming languages, described in detail the major advances and defined just what is meant by “high” in the phrase high-level language. I’ve described two true advances beyond 3-GL’s. And then there were 4-GL’s, supposedly a whole generation beyond the 3-GL’s. Let’s take a look at them.
The best way to understand 4-GL’s is to look at the context in which they were invented. First, the academic types were busy at work creating languages that essentially ignored how data got into and out of the program. The first of these was Algol, followed by others. The academic community got all excited by this class of languages, but they were ignored by the large community of programmers who had to get things done with computers. That was in the background. In the foreground, modern DBMS’s were invented and commercialized.
Apparently everywhere new languages sprang to life, created inside, around and on top of DBMS's. It's a revolution, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become a major milestone in software history! My name could be right up there with von Neumann and Turing!
All the major DBMS vendors created their own languages, usually with snappy names like Informix 4GL and Oracle's PL/SQL. How could they fail to respond to this massive opportunity for market expansion?
Brand-new vendors popped up to take advantage of the hunger for DBMS along with the new hardware configuration of client-server computing, in which an application ran on a group of Microsoft Windows PC's, all connected with and sharing a DBMS running on a server. One startup that powered to great commercial success was a company called PowerSoft which created a product called Powerbuilder. The Powerbuilder development environment enabled you to work directly with a DBMS schema and create a program that would interact with a user and the data. The central feature of the system was an interactive component called a DataWindow, which enabled you to visually select data from the database and create a UI for it supporting standard CRUD (create, read, update and delete) functions without writing code. This was a real time-saver.
The 3-GL's Respond
Vendors of 3-GL's couldn't ignore the tumult raging outside their comfy offices. Before long support was added to most COBOL systems to embed SQL statements right in the code. Sounds simple, right? It was anything but. COBOL programs had data definitions which the majority of lines of COBOL code used. The way to handle the mis-match between SQL tables and COBOL record definitions wasn't uniform, but in many cases a single COBOL Read statement was replaced with embedded SQL with additional new COBOL code to map between the DBMS results and the data structures already in the COBOL. Ditto when data was being updated and written. Then there's the little detail that DBMS performance was dramatically worse than simple COBOL ISAM performance, since DBMS's were encumbered with huge amounts of functionality not needed by COBOL programs but which couldn't be circumvented or turned off.
Net result: the 3-GL's were worse off, by quite a bit.
What Happened?
Naturally the programming landscape is dominated by 4-GL's today, right? Or maybe their successors? How could it be otherwise? Just as each new generation of languages represented a massive advance in productivity from the earlier one and became the widely-accepted standard, why wouldn't this happen again?
It didn't happen. 4-GL's are largely of historic interest today, mostly confined to legacy code that no one can be bothered to re-write. Even the systems that genuinely provided a productivity advantage like Powerbuilder faded into stasis, rarely used to build new programs.
There is a great deal to be said about this fact. One of the factors is certainly the rise to dominance of object-oriented orthodoxy, which in spite of supposedly being centered on data definitions (classes) is nonetheless highly code-centric and has NO productivity gain over non-O-O languages. Where have you read that before? Nowhere? Probably the same place you haven't read all the studies showing in great detail how it achieves productivity gains. What can I say? Computer Non-Science reigns supreme.
I won't be writing a follow-up blog post on 5-GL's. Yes, they existed and were the hot thing at the time. I remember vividly all the hand-wringing in the US over the massive effort in Japan with the government funding research into fifth-generation languages. The US would be left in the dust by Japan in software, just like they're beating us in car design and manufacturing! When was the last time you heard about that? Ever?
Computers are objective things. Software either works or it doesn't. Unlike perfume, clothes or novels, it's not a mater of taste or personal preference; it's more like math. So what is it with the mis-match between enthusiasm and reality in software? It would be nice to understand it, but what's most important is to understand that much of what goes on in software is NOT based on objective right-or-wrong things like math but on fashion trends and the equivalent of Instagram influencers. Don't know anything about computer history? If you want to be accepted by the experts and elite, that's a good thing. If you want to get things done, quickly and well, ignore it at your peril.