In prior posts I’ve given an overview of the advances in programming languages, described in detail the major advances and defined just what is meant by “high” in the phrase high-level language. In this post I’ll dive into the amazing advances made in expanding programmer productivity beyond the basic 3-GL’s. What's most interesting about these advances is that they were huge, market-proven advances, and have subsequently been ignored and abandoned by academia and industry in favor of a productivity-killing combination of tools and technologies.
From the Beginning to 3-GL's
The evolution of programming languages has been different from most kinds of technical evolution. In most tech development, there’s an isolated advance. The advance is then copied by others, sometimes with variations and additions. There follows a growing number of efforts concentrating on some combination of commercialization, enhancement and variation. This resembles biological evolution in that once mammals were “invented” there followed a growing number of varied mammalian species with ever-growing variations and enhancements.
If you glance at the evolution of programming languages, it can easily seem as though the same kind of evolution has taken place. It makes sense: software languages are for computers, and don’t computers get faster, smaller and cheaper at an astounding rate?
Let’s start by reviewing the evolution of programming languages up to what are commonly called 3-GL’s. For details see this.
First generation languages are all the native language of a particular computer, expressed as the computer executes the language: in binary. A program in a 1-GL, normally called machine language, is a big block of 1’s and 0’s. If you understand it, you can break the numbers up into data and instructions, and the instructions into command codes and arguments. Necessary for a machine, but a nightmare for humans.
A program in a 2-GL, normally called assembler language, is a text version of a 1-GL program, with nice additions like labels for locations of instructions and data. 2-GL’s were a night-and-day advance over machine language.
A program in a 3-GL, for example COBOL, FORTRAN or C, is a text language that is independent of the computer that can be translated (compiled or interpreted) to run on any machine. There are statements for defining data and for defining the actions that will be taken on the data. The action statements normally constitute the vast majority of the lines. For many programs, 3-GL’s were 5 to 10 times more productive than assembler language, with the added advantage that they could run on any machine.
We’re done, right? In some sense, we are – there are still vast bodies of production code written in those languages. No later language can create a program that has greater execution speed. But maybe we’re not done. As I’ve described, the “high” of high-level isn’t about the efficiency of the computer; it’s about the efficiency of the human – the time and effort it takes a human program to write a given program using the language. There have been a host of languages invented since the early days of 3-GL’s that claim to do this.
Let’s look at a couple of languages that no one talks about and don’t have a category name, were wildly popular in their day and that live on today, unheralded and ignored. I’ll use two examples.
The Way-beyond-3-GL's: MUMPS
The first of these languages I’ll describe is MUMPS, developed at Mass General Hospital for medical processing. Have you ever heard of it? I didn’t think so.
In modern terms, MUMPS is definitely a programming language; it has all the capability and statement types that 3-GL’s have. But MUMPS goes way beyond the boundaries of all 3-GL’s to encompass the entire environment needed for building and running a program. Normally with a 3-GL someone needs to pay lots of attention to things “outside” the language to achieve an effective solution, particularly in the areas of data access, storage and manipulation, but also in the operating system. A MUMPS program is inherently multi-user and multi-tasking. It has the ability to reference data without the potential danger of pointers. It has the power and flexibility of modern DBMS technology built in – not just relational DBMS but also key-value stores and array manipulation features that are still missing from most subsequent languages. In other words, you can build a comprehensive software application in a single programming environment without external things like databases, etc.
The result of this wide variety of powerful features all available in one place implemented as an integral part of the language was definitely outside the mainstream of programming languages – but wildly productive. MUMPS had strong uptake in the medical community. For example, the hospital software with dominating market share today is Epic, which was originally written in MUMPS (now called Cache) and remains so today. An amazing number of other leading medical systems are written in the language, as well as in the financial sector.
Net-net: MUMPS is truly a beyond-3-GL high level language in that the total amount of human effort required to reach a given programming result is much less. Even better, all the skills are normally in a single person, while modern languages require outside skills to achieve a given result, for example a database expert.
The Way-beyond-3-GL's: PICK
PICK is another beyond-3-GL that delivered a huge up-tick in programmer productivity. PICK, like MUMPS, is largely forgotten today. It’s an afterthought in any discussion of programming language history, ignored by academics, and generally erased. The title of its entry in Wikipedia is even wrong – it’s called an operating system! Of course, it is an operating system – AND a database AND a dictionary AND a full-featured programming language AND a query system AND a way to manage users and peripherals -- everything you need to build and deliver working software, all in one place. PICK was a key driving factor in fueling the minicomputer industry during its explosive growth in the 1970’s and 80’s, while also running on mainframes and PC’s.
Wikipedia says: "By the early 1980s observers saw the Pick operating system as a strong competitor to Unix.[13] BYTE in 1984 stated that "Pick is simple and powerful, and it seems to be efficient and reliable, too ... because it works well as a multiuser system, it's probably the most cost-effective way to use an XT."
PICK was the brainchild of a modest guy named Dick Pick. During the early 1980’s I worked at a small company in the Boston area that attempted to build a competitor to PICK, which seemed to be everywhere at the time. As you might imagine, programmer humor emerged on the subject, including such gems as
If Dick Pick picked a pickle, which pickle would Dick Pick pick?
PICK lived on in many guises and with multiple names. But it has zero mind-share in Computer Science and among most people building new applications today.
All-encompassing programming environments like MUMPS and PICK should have become the dominating successors to the 3-GL languages, particularly as the total effort to develop working systems based on 3-GL’s like Java exploded with the arrival of independent DBMS’s, multi-tier hardware environments and the orthodoxy of achieving scalability via distributed applications. Yet another step on the peculiar path of software evolution.
I remember the frenzy during the internet explosion of the late 1990’s and early 2000’s of money flowing in and the universal view among investors and entrepreneurs about how applications must be written in order to be successful. I encountered this personally when my VC partner introduced me to what appeared to be a promising young medical practice management system company that was having some trouble raising money because investors were concerned that the young programmer doing much of the work and leading the effort wasn’t using java. I interviewed the fellow, Ed Park, and quickly determined that he was guided in his technical decision-making by smart, independent thinking rather than the fashionable orthodoxy. I endorsed investing. The company was Athena Health, which grew to become a public company with a major market share in its field. And BTW achieved linear scalability while avoiding all the productivity-killing methods everyone at the time insisted were needed.
The history of amazing, beyond-3-GL's like MUMPS and PICK that deliver massive programmer productivity gains demonstrates beyond all doubt that software and all its experts are driven by fashion trends instead of objective results, and that Computer Science is a science in name only.