Why is a monolithic software architecture evil? Simple. There is no need to explain “why,” because monolithic is not evil. Or even plain old bad. In fact it’s probably better than all the alternatives in most cases. Here’s the story.
The Cool, Modern Programmers Explain
The new, modern, with-it software people come in and look at your existing code base. While admitting that it works, they declare it DOA. They say DOA, implying “dead on arrival.” But since the software apparently works, it can’t be “dead,” except in the eyes of the cool kids, as in “you’re dead to me.” So it must be “disgusting,” “decrepit,” “disreputable,” or something even worse.
Why is it DOA (whatever that means)? Simple: … get ready … it’s monolithic!! Horrors! Or even better: quelle horreur!!
Suppose you don’t immediately grimace, say the equivalent of OMG, and otherwise express horror at the thought of a code base that’s … monolithic!! … running your business. Suppose instead you maintain your composure and ask in even, measured tones: “Why is that bad?” Depending on the maturity level of the tech team involved, the response could range from “OK, boomer,” to a moderate “are you serious, haven’t you been reading,” all the way up to a big sigh, followed by “OK, let me explain. First of all, if an application is monolithic, it’s so ancient it might as well be written in COBOL or something people who are mostly dead now wrote while they were sort of alive. But whatever the language, monolithic applications don’t scale! You want your business to be able to grow, right? Well that means the application has to be able to scale, and monolithic applications can’t scale. What you need instead is a micro-services architecture, which is the proven model for scalability. With micro-services, you can run as many copies of each service on as many servers as you need, supporting endless scaling. Even better, each micro-service is its own set of code. That means you can have separate teams work on each micro-service. That means each team feels like they own the code, which makes them more productive. They’re not constantly stepping on the other teams’ toes, running into them, making changes that break other teams’ work and having their own code broken by who-knows-who else? With monolithic, nobody owns anything and it’s a big free-for-all, which just gets worse as you add teams. So you see, not only can’t the software scale when it’s a monolith, the team can’t scale either! The more people you add, the worse it gets! That’s why everything has to stop and we have to implement a micro-service architecture. There’s not a moment to lose!”
After that, what can a self-respecting manager do except bow to the wisdom and energy of the new generation of tech experts, and let them have at it? All it means is re-writing all the code, so how bad can it be?
One of the many signs that “computer science” does little to even pretend to be a science is the fact that this kind of twaddle is allowed to continue polluting the software ecosphere. You would think that some exalted professor somewhere would dissect this and reveal it for the errant nonsense it is. But no.
Some Common Sense
In the absence of a complete take-down, here are a few thoughts to help people with common sense resist the crowd of lemmings rushing towards the cliff of micro-services.
Here's a post from the Amazon Prime Video tech team of a quality checking service they had written using classic microservices architecture that ... couldn't scale!! The architecture that solves scaling can't scale? How is that possible? Even worse is how they solved the problem. They converted the code, re-using most of it, from microservices to ... wait, try to guess ... yes, it's your worst nightmare, they converted it to a monolith. The result? "Moving our service to a monolith reduced our infrastructure cost by over 90%. It also increased our scaling capabilities."
Here's the logic of it. Let’s acknowledge that modern processor technology has simply unbelievable power and throughput. Handling millions of events per second is the norm. The only barrier to extreme throughput and transaction handling is almost always the limits of secondary systems such as storage.
Without getting into too many details, modern DBMS technology running on fairly normal storage can easily handle thousands of transactions per second. This isn’t anything special – look up the numbers for RDS on Amazon’s AWS for example. Tens of thousands of transactions per second with dynamic scaling and fault tolerance are easily within the capacity of the AWS Aurora RDBMS; with the key-value DynamoDB database, well over 100,000 operations per second are supported.
Keeping it simple, suppose you need to handle a very large stream of transactions – say for example 30 million per hour. That’s a lot, right? Simple arithmetic tells you that’s less than ten thousand transactions per second, which itself is well within the capacity of common, non-fancy database technology. What applications come even close to needing that kind of capacity?
The database isn't the problem, you might think, it's the application! OK, there is a proven, widely used solution: run multiple instances of your code. As many as you need to handle the capacity and then some -- you know, kinda like microservices! It's more than kinda. Each transaction that comes in gets sent to one of what could be many copies of the code. The transaction is processed to completion, making calls to a shared database along the way, and then waits for another transaction to come in. Since all the code required to process the transaction resides in the same code instance, all the time and computational overhead of using the queuing system for moving stuff around among the crowd of services is eliminated. Both elapsed time and compute resources are like to be much better, often by a factor of 2 or more.
OK, what if something extreme happens? What if you need more, and that somehow it’s your code that’s the barrier. Here the micro-services groupies have it right – to expand throughput, the right approach is sometimes to spin up another copy of the code on another machine. And another and another if needed. I talk about how to scale with a shared-nothing architecture here. Why is this only possible if the code has been re-written into tiny little slivers of the whole, micro-services?
The micro-service adherent might puke at the thought of making copies of the whole HUGE body of code. Do the numbers. Do you have a million lines of code? Probably not, but suppose each line of take 100 bytes, which would be a lot. That’s 100 MB of code. I’m writing this on a laptop machine that’s a couple years old. It has 8GB of RAM in it. That’s 80 times as large as the space required for the million lines of code, which is probably WAY more than your system has. Oh you have ten million lines? It’s still 8 times larger. No problem. And best of all, no need to rewrite your code to take advantage of running it on as many processors as you care to allocate to it.
I can see the stubborn micro-services cultist shaking his head and pointing out that micro-services isn’t only about splitting up the code into separate little services, but making each service have its own database. Hah! With each service having its own database, everything is separate, and there are truly no limits to growth!
The cultist is clearly pulling for a “mere” tens of thousands of transactions a second not being nearly enough. Think of examples. One might be supporting the entire voting population of California voting using an online system at nearly the same time. There are fewer than 20 million registered voters in that state. Fewer than 60% vote, usually much less. Suppose for sake of argument that voter turnout was 100% and that they all voted within a single hour, a preposterous assumption. A monolithic voting application running on a single machine with a single database would be able to handle the entire load with capacity to spare. Of course in practice you’d have active-active versions deployed in multiple data centers to assure nothing bad happened if something failed, but you’d have that no matter what.
Suppose somehow you needed even more scaling than that. Do you need micro-services then?
First of all, there are simple, proven solutions to scaling that don’t involve the trauma of re-writing your application to micro-services.
The simplest one is a technique that is applicable in the vast majority of cases called database sharding. This is where you make multiple copies of not just your code but also the database, with each database having a unique subset of the data. The exact way to shard varies depending on the structure of the data, but for example could be by the state of the mailing address of the customer, or by the last digit of the account, or something similarly simple. In addition, most sharding systems also have a central copy of the database for system-wide variables and totals, which usually requires a couple simple code changes.
Sharding is keeping the entire database schema in each copy of the code, but arranging things so that each copy has a subset of all the data. Micro-services, in contrast, usually involve creating a separate database schema for each micro-service, and attempting to arrange things so that the code in the service has ALL the tables it needs in its subset of the overall schema, and ONLY the tables it needs. In practice, this is impossible to achieve. The result is that micro-services end up calling each other to get the fields it doesn’t store locally and to update them as well. This results in a maze of inter-service calling, with the attendant errors and killing of elapsed time. If all the code and the entire schema were in one place, this wouldn’t be needed.
I am far from the only person who has noticed issues like this. There was even a list of problems in Wikipedia last time I looked.
Making sure your application is scalable and then scaling it doesn’t arise often, but when it does you should definitely be ready for it. The answer to the question of how best to architect a software application to be scalable from day one is simple: assure that it’s monolithic! Architect your application so it’s not database centric – this has been a reasonable approach for at least a decade, think it might be worth a look-see? If you do have a RDBMS, design your database schema to enable sharding should it be needed in the future. Make sure each software team “owns” a portion of the code; if you work towards eliminating redundancy and have a meta-data-centric attitude, you’ll have few issues with team conflict and overlap.
Do yourself and your team and your customers and your investors a BIG favor: stubbornly resist to siren call to join the fashion-forward micro-services crowd. Everything will be better. And finally, when you use the term “monolithic,” use it with pride. It is indeed something to guard, preserve and be pleased with.