The FDA wants to keep us safe. They want the drugs we take to be what they’re supposed to be, and they want the medical equipment used on us to be safe and without fault or error. We all want that!
However, the way they choose to achieve the goal for the software that is an essential part of most medical devices is deeply flawed, and leads to huge expense with only a small number of companies willing and able to follow the FDA’s regulatory regimen for software. The net result is medical equipment and software (which is increasingly a key component of medical equipment – think MRI machines) that is wildly expensive and uses seriously outdated technology.
There is a simple, easily understandable reason for this horrible state of affairs, which the grandees of the FDA refuse to acknowledge or even understand. The root of the problem is that they don’t understand software. Which doesn’t stop any of them from being certain they can regulate it. Because of this inexcusable ignorance, they take the regulatory approach developed over many years for drugs and manufacturing and apply it with only cosmetic changes to software. Safety is safety, they probably say to themselves. We’ve proven our approach for drugs; why start from scratch for software?
The mistake made by the FDA, along with nearly all the hard-charging graduates of MBA programs, law schools and bureaucrats everywhere is in thinking that the process of manufacturing is like the process of building software, except not as visible or physical.
In manufacturing, you have a factory with raw material arriving, being processed in a series of steps, with quality checks along the way, and emerging as finished goods at the end. The important thing is to check the quality of the raw materials as they enter and the results of each step of processing to make sure it’s up to snuff. At the end all you need is a cursory quality check, because so long as everything is done right along the way, the result is probably good.
Similarly, they think, in software you have a set of requirements, with lines of code and software components being produced along the way, with careful unit testing being performed at each stage, and more tests as the components are woven together. The end product is subject to more testing, but the important testing has already been done. The idea is that quality is designed in.
This method for building software is exactly what, in gruesome detail, the FDA requires. It’s spelled out in highly detailed regulations. Sounds good, right? Why would anyone want crappy software, particularly when it comes to our health?
The trouble is that this whole way is thinking is based on a blatantly false analogy.
What they think is that the manufacturing process of converting raw materials to finished goods is just like the process of creating lines of code and combining them into a finished software product. People even talk about “software factories,” and how important it is to churn out quality code, on time and on budget. Still sounds good, right?
Here’s the problem: a factory that produces finished goods, whether they’re drugs or cars, is making copies of a design that’s already been created and tested. In the drug development process a drug is created and validated through testing. All that’s done in the drug factory is assure that the copies that are made of the already-designed-and-proven drug are exactly and only what the drug creators intended.
Designing and building a new piece of software is like the drug development process, not the drug manufacturing process. The software is created for the very first time, with changes made along the way. The software equivalent of a drug factory is trivial: it’s taking a piece of executable software and making a copy of it. There is a universal software “factory” that works on all software: the copy utility. It’s what happens when you go to the Apple or Google software store and download the software you want. The download makes a bit-for-bit-100%-accurate copy of the original software for your use. That is software “manufacturing!” There’s even a universal quality check – a checksum is always incorporated in the original prior to copying that the receiver can check. The checksum tells you whether the copy is perfect, just like all the drug manufacturing quality checks do, only with software, it’s easy. Yes, because software is different. Here is more about software factories.
What the FDA regulations do is specify and control in gruesome, expensive and time-wasting detail the process of building the very first, original copy of the software – like creating the drug in the first place. This is a complete and total waste. The methods and processes of building software are constantly evolving, with the most innovative companies, the ones that actually create new software, at the forefront. These companies have small, focused teams who crank out great software, and do it quickly. They use what can be called “wartime” methods of building software.
The FDA should scrap its mountain of software regulations and replace them with a simple set of regulations that achieve the same goal, more effectively. I describe this in detail here. The new regulations amount to something like “We don’t care how you build your software, but its your responsibility to assure that the software performs its stated job each and every time, without fail. If the software has errors that cause medical harm, you are responsible for the damage it causes, and you may be barred from supplying software to the medical market in the future.”
This of course, shifts the entire burden onto the software creators – as it should. Inspections are no longer required. Employment at the FDA should go down, but of course, since it’s the government, it probably won’t.
Changing the medical software regulations in this way will unleash a wave of innovative, low-cost medical software. It will be as though runners were required to carry 100 pound backpacks and walk on stilts; as soon as they can dump the pack and use real running shoes, just watch them set records! They will be a race with each other to see who can cross the finish line in style the fastest, with no stumbling along the way.