Lots of people would like the credit for establishing, once and for all, the core, immutable principle of optimal software design/architecture – the method for measuring which, among an infinite number of embodiments of software requirements, is provably the best among them. I am one of the crowd that would love to take credit! Alas, I and my competitors have been beaten to the punch, by a mere 700 years or so, by a guy named William of Occam.
As it turns out, the software crowd is, as usual, late to the party: loads of luminaries in other fields have recognized William’s achievement, viz., Occam’s Razor, for the indispensable concept that it is. Various software folks have been nipping around the edges of it, for example with the DRY (don’t repeat yourself) principle that’s gotten some attention. But they haven’t grasped the fundamental, touches-nearly-everything, deep nature of the Razor. Too bad! Crappy software continues to be churned out by the ton by people who are enthralled by false idols, convinced they’re on the righteous path toward software excellence, when in fact they’re doing something else, words for which should not be used in polite company.
William of Occam (ca. 1285 to 1349) was an English logician and Franciscan friar.
He is credited with formulating a principle that is already widely applied to various aspects of computer systems. In those areas of computing to which it has been applied, it reigns supreme – it unquestionably supplies the most fundamental, relevant and optimal understanding and solutions to the relevant problems, so much so that the people involved don’t think about it or question it.
However, there are large areas of computing to which Occam’s razor has not been applied. Worse, it is not even one of the candidates under consideration. As a result, those aspects of computing are fractured, inefficient, unpredictable, and driven by fashion and politics. Even while the practitioners call themselves "computer scientists," which is something that none of them are.
Everyone involved knows that the whole process of specifying, designing, building, testing and supporting software is hopelessly inefficient, unpredictable and error-prone. The leading methodology that concentrates on the process of building software, “project management,” is theoretically bankrupt and in any case has an empirical track record of failure. In terms of the content of good software, there are fierce battles among competing approaches, none of which is anything but a collection of unsupported and unfounded assertions, and which in practice don’t contribute to building good software.
Occam’s razor leads to the principles on which good software may be built, and supplies a single simple, widely applicable theme that, when applied, cuts away (as a razor should) all the inefficiency, inapplicability and generally what we don’t like about software. Once the principle is understood and widely applied, I expect it will become the un-discussed and undisputed standard for how software is built, just as it has in the other areas of computing to which it has been applied.
What is this amazing standard? It’s simple. I mean literally simple. That’s what Occam’s Razor is all about.
Occam’s razor is:
Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.
No more things should be presumed to exist than are absolutely necessary.
Occam’s razor applied to software would be:
No more software entities should be created than are absolutely necessary.
Another way of expressing this is that all redundancy, of any kind and in any way, should be eliminated from a piece of software. This often requires writing imperative code to implement any and all abstract actions, and to create largely declarative meta-data to specify everything that is specific to an application. The meta-data, of course, should also have no redundancy; this is normally achieved by use of multiple inheritance with override. See this for more.
To be extremely brief, the reason why eliminating redundancy is good is that practically everything that happens to a piece of software is that it is enhanced, altered, bug-fixed or otherwise modified. Creation happens just once; everything that follows is growth and change. Implementing change of any kind to a program takes the least effort with the least risk if everything is defined in exactly one place – once you’ve found the place, you make the change and you’re done. Among the infinite universe of programs solving the same problem that work, the speed, cost and risk of change is the overriding virtue, both in technical and business terms.
Thanks to William of Occam, I can’t claim to have invented the core principle of software, and the way to express the measure of goodness for software. William has me beat by over 700 years. Thanks a lot, Bill! Lots of people have applied Occam’s Razor to lots of tough things with optimal success, even in things closely related to software, such as information theory. Way too late again. About all I can do is mess with his name and make up a term that expresses goodness in software. Here it is: I propose that a piece of software can be measured by its “Occamality.” The more “Occamal” it is, the better it is. And I propose that Occamality is strictly correlated with the extent to which there is no redundancy of any kind in a program, which is almost always strictly correlated with the program being at the high end of the hierarchy of abstraction.