While the success patterns laid out in the prior posts in this series may seem clear in the abstract, applying them in practice can be hard, because nearly everyone who thinks or talks about AI (these sets over overlap very little, sadly) takes a different approach.
I previously discussed the application of the principles to healthcare, with specific examples: https://www.blackliszt.com/2018/08/getting-results-from-ml-and-ai-4-healthcare-examples.html
In this post, I'll show how things can play out with a stellar example in fintech anti-fraud.
The Use of ML in Fraud Detection
Credit card fraud is a difficult, ever-evolving problem, not unlike cyber-security in general. In most cases, real money is involved, billions of dollars of it -- over $20 Billion world-wide as of a few years ago!
Robert Hecht-Nielsen was a pioneer in machine learning in the 1980's. He started HNC software to apply ML to a variety of problems. He was particularly fond of Neural Networks. After a few years of not doing well, he encountered a visionary executive of Household Finance, a large company that provided credit, including cards, to sub-prime customers. The HFC executive convinced Hecht-Nielsen to concentrate on card fraud, which was a large and growing problem for the card industry in general, and HFC in particular.
With HFC's support, HNC built the first effective card fraud detection system. It centered around humans analyzing recent instances of card fraud, building a detector for each particular kind, and training neural nets to combine all the detectors to be applied to each new transaction as it came through.
Since the model's effectiveness depended on having an ever-growing library of fraud detectors, HFC supported HNC creating a network model, in which each participating card issuer would contribute the details of each new case of fraud it encountered. HNC analysts would add detectors, train new models and give updated fraud detecting models to each participating company. It quickly became the industry standard, since all the participants benefited from the experience of all the members. HNC went public in the mid-1990's and later merged with FICO.
Enter Feedzai
How could any new entrant possibly compete against the data monopoly and neural networks of FICO/HNC? Somebody new wouldn't have access to the incredible database of card fraud. Feedzai, backed by Oak HC/FT, had some things that were more important.
First of all, it helped that the Feedzai founders were broadly expert in machine learning and other analytic methods. It took them a while to focus on "just" card fraud. Being a general expert and then deciding to focus on a narrow problem is just like HNC, and is a general success pattern. But HNC got frozen and dabbled in many other domains, failing to continue to innovate in their core product.
Once Feedzai got engaged with a card issuer, they noticed that the FICO solution was so slow that it couldn't detect whether an authorization was fraudulent in real time -- only after it was already approved. Result: every fraudster got at least one free! Beating FICO would require real-time analytics. Next, Feedzai noticed that FICO was trying to see if each transaction was BAD, and that seeing if each transaction was NOT GOOD was just as good -- even better, since you don't care how inventive the bad guys are, just that they're not acting like the real cardholder would act. That meant you could train your models on a single card issuer's customer base, ignoring the rest of the world. Cool! Finally, that meant you could use modern, transparent ML algorithms, and dispense entirely with the time-consuming and error-prone FICO method of modeling each type of fraud. And that meant that your first couple of appropriately skeptical customers could try you out, side-by-side, against the incumbent FICO, and see who won the catch-the-fraud race. Hooray, Feedzai won!
It's important to note that Feedzai also won because they did all the foundational steps described in the earlier posts in this series correctly, including the all-important know-your-data and closed-loop steps.
FICO/HNC moved on from their success in card fraud, thinking they had an absolute lock on the market -- which they did, for many years, but only because someone like Feedzai didn't go after them sooner. Feedzai isn't making the FICO/HNC mistake; they are continuing to build on their lead, both deepening and extending it. It's a big subject, but here are a couple of the highlights:
- Feedzai has built a tool that does much of the work highly skilled engineers used to have to do when supporting a new client. The original tool detects fraud; the new tool automates building a fraud detection tool. The speed and quality that results is unprecedented.
- While rarely discussed, every practical detection system has a set of human-created rules. Feedzai is the first company to automate the evaluation of the rules, and decide which should be changed or dropped. This is huge.
- Feedzai is now, step by step, introducing their technology to adjacent areas such as AML. The incentives created by the heavy regulation in AML are perverse, and has led to bloated costs in banks with no real improvement in AML detection. Feedzai's novel approach is actually making headway in spite of the regulations, and not just doing normal reg-tech automation.
Being an excellent generalist is often a good way to become a superb specialist. But it's rare to find a group of people who are truly up to snuff in the abstruse technologies of AI/ML, but also able to dive into the ugly details of data and real-life cases to make a system that beats the real-world incumbents. As we know from FICO/HNC and many other cases, the pattern is then to declare victory and move on. Feedzai is an object lesson in how to go deeper and deeper, continuing to innovate and automate. They are an excellent example of the principles described in the earlier posts in this series.