Practically no one understands software, so why should we expect anyone to understand the broader and in some ways more demanding subject of software evolution? But while rarely (as in, almost never) studied, thoughts about software evolution are often found lurking in the backs of people's minds, and pop out in the things they write.
In biological evolution, putting aside nasty things like DNA and all the stuff it can and can't explain, there is a now-obvious pattern in the fossil record of how species have evolved. There is a clear progression from simple to complex, less capable to more capable and so on. Cold-blooded lizards are pretty neat, but there's little doubt that warm-blooded mammals rule, and that mammals appear in the fossil record after the cold-blooded animals. The picture of this nearly all of us share is that the later creatures evolved from earlier ones, in a more-or-less continuous progression. No leap-frogging is involved -- just a step-by-step process of learning and mostly improving.
A recent example in Wired Magazine about the Apollo 11 computer system illustrates this way of thinking very well. Here's the title:
Her Code Got Humans on the Moon -- and Invented Software Itself
The Apollo code in general and Margaret Hamilton in particular "invented software itself." Really? Let's look at some of the article. Here's a key paragraph:
By mid-1968, more than 400 people were working on Apollo’s software, because software was how the US was going to win the race to the moon. As it turned out, of course, software was going to help the world do so much more. As Hamilton and her colleagues were programming the Apollo spacecraft, they were also hatching what would become a $400 billion industry.
The last clause of the above quote clearly states that the $400 billion software industry that eventually emerged was "hatched" from the Apollo effort. Like so many people, the author thinks that the 400 person effort to build Apollo software somehow made possible, laid the groundwork for, or something all the developments to follow.
What a pile of hogwash. But typical!
My personal initiation into programming was on an IBM 360 model 50 computer that I was able to access on Saturdays during the 1966 school year when I was in high school. I wrote FORTRAN programs, key-punched them into cards, fed them into the card reader, got direct feedback from the computer about my imperfections as a programmer, and finally got results I wanted. While doing this, I was one of many people at many facilities using this software.
The IBM System 360 effort was started about 1960, and was announced in 1964. Gene Amdahl was the main hardware architect, tasked with the then-unprecedented task of creating a family of computers with a wide range of capabilities that could all run the same instruction set, i.e., run the same software.
Operating system software for such a system had never been created, and was a difficult task, particularly because supporting running multiple programs at the same time, again a first, was a requirement. The software was much-delayed, and by the time Fred Brooks took over the effort, more than 1,000 people were working on the project. Brooks later went on to write a classic book inspired by the effort, the Mythical Man-Month.
The System 360 was wildly successful, and fueled the incredible growth of IBM. Its instruction set lives on to this day in the System z mainframe servers. Its use was exploding at the time the Apollo software was still being developed.
What about the Apollo software? It was peculiar from the beginning, and exhibited issues that had already been solved in OS/360 and its programs. While the independent software industry did indeed grow and mature on S/360 computers, in spite of IBM's efforts to keep anyone from buying any software except their own, the Apollo software led to nothing. The now-lauded Margaret Hamilton tried to commercialize the special software methods she had used on the Apollo project, but her efforts failed and led to nothing. There were a couple of later attempts to build and commercialize what we can now see are versions of her ideas, for example in model-driven development, but after a period of hype they went nowhere.
None of this, by the way, is intended in any way to minimize the achievement of the Apollo mission, the pioneering computer system and software that was an integral part of it, or of Margaret Hamilton herself. She led a huge team that had to get software for a novel system and mission working the first time. It's a real achievement! But it's hardly "inventing software itself."
Even if you believe that someone "invented software itself," the inventor was certainly not Ms. Hamilton; even if you believe that a big, early software effort "hatched" today's software industry, it was not the Apollo effort.
So did IBM do it? Is IBM OS/360 the progenitor of today's software industry? Nope! A growing number of groups were designing and building computers, and even more were building software. You can see patterns, but this biological evolutionary idea of a capability being somehow created in DNA, and through inheritance and random improvement leading to subsequent efforts in a consequential way is nothing but the application of an inapplicable metaphor. While patterns can be observed, each piece of software is written from scratch, based on the ideas and experience of the authors. No software-equivalent of DNA, with the obvious exception of the use of shared code.
I doubt this little rant will be sufficient to stamp out the use of bad logic and inapplicable metaphors by people who insist on writing about software, even though they've never seen it, can't read it, and are clueless about what it really is and how it works. But at least writing this has gotten it out of my system, kind of...