There is a great deal of buzz about Facebook’s new cryptocurrency Libra. There is even a trickle of technical information about it surfacing. No one seems to be talking about the deep-seated technical reasons the new system will crash and burn. Sadly for Libra, there isn’t just one such fatal flaw! Here I’ll describe one of them.
The core reasons that FB’s Libra will fail are:
- it’s a large body of new code
- new code is always riddled with bugs, no matter how hard the developers try
- Unlike the code big companies like FB are used to, bugs are really hard to hide in this application
It’s a large body of new code
The hype machine for crypto, Bitcoin, Ethereum, ICO’s, Blockchain and the rest has been running at full speed for a few years now. Leaders in every industry are infected with intense FOMO (fear of missing out), and are committing to projects left and right. With all the blockchain projects going on for years now, it’s understandable that most people would think that this code must be solid and tested by now. There’s just one little problem: there are thousands of bodies of code, with new ones emerging all the time as groups get excited about fixing the glaring problems in older implementation of the concepts; little groups like Microsoft and Intel. These aren’t just tweaks – we’re talking major new bodies of code here.
Think about transportation machines as diverse as propeller planes and powered skateboards. Yes, they both get you from point A to point B, but they’re quite a bit different from each other. The code that Libra plans to use is brand new in every way – even the central concepts of how blocks are built and chained are radically different than the proven-in-production methods used by Bitcoin. That’s like saying “we’re using proven engine technology to build our new car – except that its engine won’t use gas, diesel or electricity for power – it will be better!”
New code is riddled with bugs
People who write code make mistakes. Lots of them. All the time. There are a host of methods in varying degrees of use to prevent or catch such mistakes, things ranging from test-driven-development to extensive code reviews. None of them work. No, they don't work for Facebook either.
Yes, there are some bodies of code that are remarkably reliable. Linux is a great example – it powers over half of all the web servers in the world! Linux performs a function that was thoroughly understood when it was written, and is an open-source project written in a solid language – C – and led by a true coding genius. Its quality was achieved over years of top-notch leadership with thousands of talented contributing programmers and millions of installations. Libra is at the opposite end of the spectrum. It’s brand new, and it’s supposed to work flawlessly keeping track of financial assets from day one. The chances it will perform without flaws from the beginning are essentially nil.
What’s worse, the internet giants have an unbroken track record of releasing code that’s riddled with errors. Yes, Facebook is partnering with lots of corporate giants – and those giants are equally accomplished at releasing an unbroken stream of software horror shows.
Facebook ignores the issue of its inability to produce software that works and satisfies users, much less have a solution for it that it will apply to Libra.
The tech giants usually hide their bugs
The much-lauded software geniuses at Facebook, Twitter, Google and the rest are convinced that they are as good as programmers get. But their efforts have a track record of failure. More important than the actual failures is the fact that their applications are ones in which hiding errors is built into the applications! When you enter a search query, how do you know whether the results are accurate, so long as you get a list of vaguely relevant results? When you pull up Facebook and see the newsfeed, are the entries always the right ones? Are all the entries that should be there in fact there? How would you know when they’re not?
Contrast this with your credit card. You get a statement. You can be sure the bank has included every transaction you’ve made, so they can make you pay for it. Most people at least scan the transactions to see if there’s one you didn’t make, so you can call the card company and get it removed, so you don’t have to pay for whatever the criminal bought using your card! The typical internet method of hiding errors just isn’t going to work here – and Facebook doesn’t even acknowledge the issue, much less have a way to solve it.
Facebook, like the other internet giants, is incapable of building code that works, even after extensive testing and use by millions of users. Corporate giants and the government are no better. Facebook’s usual method of tricking users into not seeing its errors won’t work here. Facebook and its partners are rushing to somehow leverage Bitcoin’s “success” at funding the international illegal drug and human trafficking trade, flouting anti-money-laundering regulations and providing a platform for what amounts to massive illegal gambling. Of course, they talk about being charitable to the "unbanked" and other noble goals, while continuing to enrich themselves in a way the so-called "robber barons" could only envy. They are likely to fail at this mission because of their inability to write software that works.
Final note: the standard pronunciation “Libra” is Lee-brah, like the astrological sign. Because of its deeply flawed design, which Facebook and its partners try to cover up, I prefer to pronounce Libra as “lie-brah” – because it’s based on lies.
This is cross-posted from the original on Forbes.