Computer software is plagued by nightmares. The nightmares vary.
Sometimes they are fundamentally sound ideas that are pursued in the wrong way, in the wrong circumstances or at the wrong time. Therefore they fail – but usually come back, sometimes with a different name or emphasis.
Sometimes they’re just plain bad ideas, but sound good and are cleverly promoted, and sound like they may be relevant to solving widely acknowledged problems. Except they just don’t work. Sometimes these fundamentally bad ideas resurface, sometimes with a new name.
Sometimes they’re a good idea for an extremely narrow problem that is wildly applied beyond its area of applicability.
The worst nightmares are the ones that slowly evolve, take hold, and become widely accepted as part of what “good programmers” believe and do. Some of these even become part of what is ludicrously called “computer science.” Foundation stones such as these, accepted and taught without proof, evidence or even serious analysis, make it clear to any objective observer that computer “science” is anything but scientific, and that computer “engineering” is a joke. If the bridges and buildings designed by mechanical engineers collapsed with anything close to the frequency that software systems malfunction, the bums and frauds in charge would have long since been thrown out. But since bad software that breaks is so widespread, and since after all it “merely” causes endless delays and trouble, but doesn’t dump cars and trucks into the river, people just accept it as how things are. Sad.
Following is a brief review of sample nightmares in each of these categories. Some of what I describe as nightmares are fervently believed by many people. Some have staked their professional lives on them. I doubt any of the true adherents will be moved by my descriptions – why should they be? It was never about evidence or proof for the faithful to start with, so why should things change now?
Sound Ideas – but not here and now
- Machine learning, AI, OR methods, most analytics.
- These things are wonderful. I love them. When properly applied in the right way by competent people against the right problem at the right time, amazing things can be accomplished. But those simple-sounding conditions are rarely met, and as a result, most efforts to apply these amazing techniques fail. See this.
- These things are wonderful. I love them. When properly applied in the right way by competent people against the right problem at the right time, amazing things can be accomplished. But those simple-sounding conditions are rarely met, and as a result, most efforts to apply these amazing techniques fail. See this.
Bad ideas cleverly promoted
- Microservices.
- Microservices are currently what modern, transformative CTO’s shove down the throats of their innocent organizations, promising great things, including wonderful productivity and an end to that horror of horrors, the “monolithic code base.” While rarely admitted, this is little but a re-incarnation of the joke of Extreme Programming from a couple decades ago, with slightly modified rhetoric. A wide variety of virtues are supposed to come from micro-services, above all scalability and productivity, but it’s all little but arm-waving. If software valued evidence even a little, micro-services would be widely accepted as the bad joke it is.
- Big Data
- There's nothing wrong in principle with collecting data and analyzing it. But in practice, the whole big data effort is little but an attempt to apply inapplicable methods to random collections of data, hoping to achieving generic but unspecified benefits. See here.
- There's nothing wrong in principle with collecting data and analyzing it. But in practice, the whole big data effort is little but an attempt to apply inapplicable methods to random collections of data, hoping to achieving generic but unspecified benefits. See here.
Great ideas for a narrow problem
- Blockchain.
- My favorite example of an excellent solution to a problem that has been applied way beyond its area of legitimate application is blockchain. Bitcoin was a brilliant solution to the problem of having a currency that works with no one in charge. How do you get people to “guard the vault” and not turn into crooks? The way the mining is designed with its incentives and distributed consensus scheme brilliantly solves the problem. However, the second you start having loads of crypto-currencies, things get weaker. Once you introduce “smart contracts,” there’s a fly in the ointment. Take away the currency and make it blockchain and you’ve got a real disaster. Then “improve” it and make it private and you’ve got yourself a full-scale contradiction in terms that is spectacularly useless. See here.
Bad ideas that are part of the Computer Science and Engineering canon
- Object-orientation.
- Languages can have varying ways of expressed data structures and relating to them. A particular variant on this issue called “object-orientation” emerged decades ago. After enjoying a heyday of evangelism during the first internet bubble, O-O languages are taught nearly universally in academia to the exclusion of all others, and adherence to the O-O faith is widely taken to be a sign of how serious a CS person you are. For some strange reason, no one seems to mention the abject failure of O-O databases. And no one talks about serious opposing views, such as that of Linus Torvalds, the creator/leader of the linux open source movement, which powers 90% of the world's web servers. Programmers who value results have long since moved on, but academia and industry as a whole remains committed to the false god of O-O-ism.
- Most project management methods.
- I’ve written a great deal about this, including a book. Whether it’s the modern fashion of Agile with its various add-ons such as SCRUM, project management methods, ripped from other disciplines and applied mindlessly to software programming, have been an unmitigated disaster. The response? It ranges from “you’re not doing it right,” to “you need to use cool new method X.” Yet, project management is a profession, with certifications and course on it taught in otherwise respectable schools. A true nightmare. See these.
- I’ve written a great deal about this, including a book. Whether it’s the modern fashion of Agile with its various add-ons such as SCRUM, project management methods, ripped from other disciplines and applied mindlessly to software programming, have been an unmitigated disaster. The response? It ranges from “you’re not doing it right,” to “you need to use cool new method X.” Yet, project management is a profession, with certifications and course on it taught in otherwise respectable schools. A true nightmare. See these.
- Most software QA methods.
- All software professionals accept what they’ve been taught, which is that some kind of software automation is an essential part of building software that works and keeping it working. Except the methods are horrible, wasteful, full of holes and rarely make things much better. See this.
- All software professionals accept what they’ve been taught, which is that some kind of software automation is an essential part of building software that works and keeping it working. Except the methods are horrible, wasteful, full of holes and rarely make things much better. See this.
I make no claim that the list of items I’ve discussed here is comprehensive. There are things I could have included that I have left out. But this is a start. Furthermore, if just half the items I’ve listed were tossed and replaced with things that actually, you know, worked, much better software would be produced more quickly than it is today. I don’t call for perfection – but some progress would sure be nice!