Apple’s had a rough time recently, with bugs, security problems and sales issues. The recent Facetime bug is particularly embarrassing. It’s made the news! There are stories about it all over. Apple is scrambling to fix the issue and end the pain and embarrassment, pronto.
Blockchain has also had a rough time, with recent cavernous losses that extend a years-long pattern. Blockchain enthusiasts march on, seemingly oblivious to the intractable problems that cripple their beloved technology. So far as anyone can tell, no one is scrambling to fix the problems.
Comparing the two situations is interesting and educational.
The Apple bug was first discovered by a teenager while he was setting up a Facetime group chat.
- Most blockchain problems are discovered sometime after a substantial loss has taken place, when you go to check your account and are shocked to find it has a whole lot less value than it had last time you checked.
The boy and his mom were frustrated by how hard it was to get through to anyone at Apple to report the bug. They were doing the right thing, while Apple was being a typical lumbering, unresponsive bureaucracy.
- You discover the loss in your crypto account. You’re upset. Who do you call? Where’s the 800 number for customer support? If you didn’t know it already, you quickly discover that there’s no number, no one to call. There’s no organization in charge at all! And in those cases where there sort of is, they refuse to fix the problem.
In less than a week, Apple officials woke up to the fact that they had a problem. A big, ugly, embarrassing one. To their credit, they did two things.
- In some of the most important cases, such as Bitcoin, there is literally no one in charge – that’s the whole point of Bitcoin – it’s a system that was designed to have no one in charge. It’s brilliant, as I describe here. But it’s also fatal when the system is hacked.
- In other cases, such as exchanges, there is someone in charge. But their typical response is to claim, with good justification, that “fixing” the problem would destroy the fabric of blockchain. And after all, in many important cases, the funds have long since been converted to cash and are long gone – how can that be “fixed” without catching the bad guys? And as I’ve described, while bad guys in normal banking are often caught, in the crypto-currency world, they almost never are. So your money is gone. Gone!
The first thing Apple did was shut down their servers so that group Facetime was no longer possible. This didn’t happen all at once, but rolled through the system pretty quickly.
- Immediate action to fix the problem in blockchain? Doesn’t happen.
The second thing Apple did was announce that the bug would be fixed and released in about a week.
- Here’s where it gets really bad for blockchain: where’s the bug that can be fixed to solve the underlying problem? No one can say! So far as all the blockchain “experts” are concerned, there is no problem to be fixed. The silence is deafening. When have you ever read about any kind of crypto-currency loss, after which someone “in charge” said something like: “the loss was due to [this bug}, which we’ve found and fixed and will be effective on [this date]”? Anyone?
- When the responsible problem is in a so-called smart contract, it’s even worse. Smart contracts are stored in the immutable blockchain itself, and so, unlike normal programs, can’t be fixed or changed in any way. The geniuses who invented and support smart contracts consider this fatal flaw to be one of their great advantages. Go figure.
The net effect of the Apple bug is that the privacy of certain Facetime users was compromised. Embarrassing. Bad. But your wallet is unaffected. But at least the news got out quickly, people can avoid the feature for a bit and then go back to using it, should they choose.
- The net effect of the myriad of Crypto and blockchain bugs and hacks is loss of the equivalent of real money, sometimes to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. The only way to avoid the problem is to get out of crypto. Totally. And never go back.
The contrast between the Apple Facetime bug and the various crypto/blockchain bugs and hacks couldn’t be more stark. With Apple, there’s someone in charge; the someone wakes up to the problem within days, and moves decisively to first block the problem and then fix it. In blockchain, there’s no one in charge (by design!); the affected people wake up to their problem, whine about their often substantial financial loss, but are largely ignored by the community of experts and operators, who soldier on, promoting the wonders of the amazing immutable distributed ledger technology.
Here’s my prediction: the blockchain mania will continue to spread for a while, but then will slowly fade away, with few of the promoters admitting their lapse in judgment. As with most technology fads, everyone’s attention will simply shift to something shinier and newer as the problems grow too large to be ignored. There's a long shot there will be some shining successes with blockchain -- but I predict that when you look under the covers, it won't really be blockchain doing most of the work.
(Disclosure: While I’ve read API’s and source code, I’ve never owned cryptocurrency of any kind, and don’t plan to any time soon.)
This post originally appeared on Forbes.