Another in the series introduced here.
Ambrose Bierce
A couple definitions from his book:
Definitions for 21st Century Finance
A couple from the student:
Alternative Data
The shocking practice among certain rogue financial investors of evaluating investments using non-financial data, from sources such as social media. Leading progressive investors are talking with the appropriate authorities in hopes that strong regulations will be issued to put a halt to this kind of prejudicial and unfair practice.
Quantitative Fund
A fund that uses methods that involve lots of numbers, in sharp contrast to earlier methods that emphasized more qualitative measures such as “lots and lots,” and “not too much.”
An approach to investing that purports to combine two incompatible investment methods, quantitative and fundamental, to their mutual advantage. It is based on the success of other combinations of opposites, like combining overpaying and underpaying in order to pay just the right amount for something.
Some bad things never seem to end...
their should be investigation for all the investigation report regard finance
Posted by: Hollywood Movies 2017 release | 04/08/2017 at 04:21 AM