In a prior post, I demonstrated the close relationship between math and computer science in academia. Many posts in this blog have delved into the pervasive problems of software development. I suggest that there is a fundamental conflict between the perspectives of math and computer science on the one hand, and the needs of effective, high quality software development on the other hand. The more you have computer science, the worse your software is; the more you concentrate on building great software, the more distant you grow from computer science.
If this is true, it explains a great deal of what we observe in reality. And if true, it defines and/or confirms some clear paths of action in developing software.
A Math book helped me understand this
I've always loved math, though math (at least at the higher levels) hasn't always loved me. So I keep poking at it. Recently, I've been going through a truly enjoyable book on math by Alex Bellos.

It's well worth reading for many reasons. But this is the passage that shed light on something I've been struggling with literally for decades.

When we learn to count, we're learning math that's been around for thousands of years. It's the same stuff! Likewise when we learn to add and subtract. And multiply. When we get into geometry, which for most people is in high school, we're catching up to the Greeks of two thousand years ago.
As Alex says, "Math is the history of math." As he says, kids who are still studying math by the age of 18 have gotten all the way to the 1700's!
These are not new facts for me. But somehow when he put together the fact that "math does not age" with the observation that in applied science "theories are undergoing continual refinement," it finally clicked for me.
Computers Evolve faster than anything has ever evolved
Computers evolve at a rate unlike anything else in human experience, a fact that I've harped on. I keep going back to it because we keep applying methods developed for things that evolve at normal rates (i.e., practically everything else) to software, and are surprised when things don't turn out well. The software methods that highly skilled software engineers use are frequently shockingly out of date, and the methods used for management (like project management) are simply inapplicable. Given this, it's surprising, and a tribute to human persistance and hard work, that software ever works.
This is what I knew. It's clear, and seems inarguable to me. Even though I'm fully aware that the vast majority of computer professionals simply ignore the observation, it's still inarguable. The old "how fast do you have to run to avoid being eaten by the lion" joke applies to the situation. In the case of software development, all the developers just stroll blithely along, knowing that the lions are going to to eat a fair number of them (i.e., their projects are going to fail), and so they concentrate on distracting management from reality, which usually isn't hard.
What is now clear to me is the role played by math, computer science and the academic establishment in creating and sustaining this awful state of affairs, in which outright failure and crap software is accepted as the way things are. It's not a conspiracy -- no one intends to bring about this result, so far as I know. It's just the inevitable consequence of having wrong concepts.
Computer Science and Software Development
There are some aspects of software development which are reasonably studied using methods that are math-like. The great Donald Knuth made a career out of this; it's valuable work, and I admire it. Not only do I support the approach when applicable, I take it myself in some cases, for example with Occamality.
But in general, most of software development is NOT eternal. You do NOT spend your time learning things that were first developed in the 1950's, and then if you're good get all the way up the 1970's, leaving more advanced software development from the 1980's and on to the really smart people with advanced degrees. It's not like that!
Yes, there are things that were done in the 1950's that are still done, in principle. We still mostly use "von Neumann architecture" machines. We write code in a language and the machine executes it. There is input and output. No question. It's the stuff "above" that that evolves in order to keep up with the opportunities afforded by Moore's Law, the incredible increase of speed and power.
In math, the old stuff remains relevant and true. You march through history in your quest to get near the present in math, to work on the unsolved problems and explore unexplored worlds.
In software development, you get trapped by paradigms and systems that were invented to solve a problem that long since ceased being a problem. You think in terms and with concepts that are obsolete. In order to bring order to the chaos, you import methods that are proven in a variety of other disciplines, but which wreck havoc in software development.
People from a computer science background tend to have this disease even worse than the average software developer. Their math-computer-science background taught them the "eternal truth" way of thinking about computers, rather than the "forget the past, what is the best thing to do NOW" way of thinking about computers. Guess which group focusses most on getting results? Guess which group would rather do things the "right" way than deliver high quality software quickly, whatever it takes?
Computer Science vs. Software Development
The math view of history, which is completely valid and appropriate for math, is that you're always building on the past, standing on the shoulders of giants.
The software development view of history is that while some general things don't change (pay attention to detail, write clean code, there is code and data, inputs and outputs), many important things do change, and the best results are obtained by figuring out optimal approaches (code, technique, methods) for the current situation.
When math-CS people pay attention to software, they naturally tend to focus on things that are independent of the details of particular computers. The Turing machine is a great example. It's an abstraction that has helped us understand whether something is "computable." Computability is something that is independent (as it should be) of any one computer. It doesn't change as computers get faster and less expensive. Like the math people, the most prestigious CS people like to "prove" things. Again, Donald Knuth is the poster child. His multi-volume work solidly falls in this tradition, and exemplifies the best that CS brings to software development.
The CS mind wants to prove stuff, wants to find things that are deeply and eternally true and teach others to apply them.
The Software Development mind wants to leverage the CS stuff when it can help, but mostly concentrates on the techniques and methods that have been made possible by recent advances in computer capabilities. By concentrating on the newly-possible approaches, the leading-edge software person can beat everyone else using older tools and methods, delivering better software more quickly at lower cost.
The CS mind tends to ignore ephemeral details like the cost of memory and how much is easily available, because things like that undergo constant change. If you do something that depends on rapidly shifting ground like that, it will soon be irrelevant. True!
In contrast, the Software Development mind jumps on the new stuff, caring only that it is becoming widespread, and tries to be among the first to leverage the newly-available power.
The CS mind sits in an ivory tower among like-minded people like math folks, sometimes reading reports from the frontiers, mostly discarding the information as not changing the fundamentals. The vast majority of Software Development people live in the comfortable cities surrounding the ivory towers doing things pretty much the way they always have ("proven techniques!"). Meanwhile, the advanced Software Development people are out there discovering new continents, gold and silver, and bringing back amazing things that are highly valued at home, though not always at first, and often at odds with establishment practices.
Yes, I'm exaggerating the contrast between CS and Software Development. Sometimes developers are crappy because they are clueless about simple concepts taught in CS intro classes. Sometimes great CS people are also great developers, and sometimes CS approaches are hugely helpful in understanding development. I'm guilty of this myself! For example, I think the fact that computers evolve with unprecedented speed is itself an "eternal" (at least for now) fact that needs to be understood and applied. I argue strongly that this fact, when applied, changes the way to optimally build software. In fact, that's the argument I'm making now!
Nonetheless, the contrast between CS-mind and Development-mind exists. I see it in the tendency to stick to practices that are widely used, accepted practices, but are no longer optimal, given the advances in computers. I see it in the background of developers' preferences, attitudes and general approaches.
The problem in essence is simple:
Math people learn the history of math, get to the present, and stand on the shoulders of giants to advance it.
Good software developers master the tools they've been given, but ignore and discard the detritous of the past, and invent software that exploits today's computer capabilities to solve today's problems.
Most software developers plod ahead, trying to apply their obsolete tools and methods to problems that are new to them, ignoring the new capabilities that are available to them, all the while convinced that they're being good computer science and math wonks, standing on the shoulders of giants like you're supposed to do.
The truly outstanding people may take computer science and math courses, but when they get into software development, figure out that a whole new approach is needed. They come to the new approach, and find that it works, it's fun, and they can just blow past everyone else using it. Naturally, these folks don't join big software bureaucracies and do what everyone else does. They somehow find like-minded people and kick butt. They take from computer science in the narrow areas (typically algorithms) where it's useful, but then take an approach that is totally different for the majority of their work.