Distributed computing is a trend whose time has come ... and gone. Well, not completely. If my computers have to ask your computers a question, that's best done using something like "distributed computing." But to be used by a single software group to serve their organization's needs? Fuhgeddabouddit.
The early days of distributed computing
In earlier days, there were lots of computing problems that were too large to be solved in a reasonable period of time on a single computer. If it was important to cut the time to finish the job, you had to use more than one computer, sometimes lots of them. This was frequently the case during the first internet bubble period, for example, when the concept of “distributed computing” really got traction. The idea was simple: in order to serve lots and lots of people with your application, a single computer couldn’t possibly get the job done without making everyone wait too long. So you wrote your application so that it could use lots of computers to serve your users; you wrote a “distributed” application.
It’s always been harder to write distributed applications than non-distributed ones, and of course there’s lots of overhead in moving data from one computer to another. But if you can’t serve your users with a single-computer application, you bite the bullet and go distributed.
Distributed computing today
The most common form of distributed computing lives on today, more often called "multi-tiered architecture." This is when you have, for example, computers that are web servers, front-ending computers that are application servers, front-ending computers that run a database. That's a simple, three-tier architecture. The idea is that, except for the database tier, it's easy to add computers to handle more users, and by doing much of the computing on something other than the database server, you make it handle a higher load than it otherwise would be able to.
There's a more elaborate form of distributed computing that also has a strong fan base, sometimes centered around a service bus. Other people call it SOA (a service-oriented architecture). These are slightly different flavors of distributed computing, often found together in the same application.
Like most ways of thinking about software, the people who love distributed computing learned to love it and think it's right. Period. Just plain better, more advanced, more scalable, more all good things than the stuff done by those amateurs who run around being amateurish.
The impact of computer speed evolution
As I've mentioned a few times, computers evolve more quickly than anything else in human experience. Do you think that the computers of today can handle more than computers could at the time distributed computing took its present form? Is it just possible that, for most applications, a simpler approach than distributed computing in any of its forms would get the job done?
Multi-core processors
We all know about Moore's Law, I hope. But people don't think so much about the impact of multi-core processors. Simply speaking, "cores" put more than one computer on the chip. Physically, you still have a single chip. But inside the chip, there are really multiple computers, one per core, each running completely independent of the others. And the way they've built the cores, you actually get two threads per core -- each thread can be considered a execution of a program. So, in a sense, you’ve got “distributed computing” inside the chip!
Let's take a quick look at one of those chips. Here's one of the latest from Intel.
This is one awesome chip! It's got
- 15 cores, supporting
- 30 threads, and can support
- 1.5TB of RAM
- 85GB/s memory speed, plus
- over 32MB of on-chip cache
This is incredible. In the past, you might have 3 computers on each of 3 tiers, each with a robust 16BG of RAM (who would ever need more??), for a total of 9 computers with about 150GB of RAM. Connected by dirt-slow (by comparison) ethernet. Here, you've got 2-4 times the number of threads, 10X the amount of total RAM, all in a single chip, no bopping around on the ethernet slow lanes required. Who needs distributed computing when you've got one of these babies?!
Clearly, all the folks who regularly attend services at the Church of Distributed Computing didn't get the memo. This is not new news -- except to the SOA and enterprise bus enthusiasts! There's no way mere facts are going to cause them to stray from their life-enhancing faith!
But for the rest of us, it's clear. Use those cores. Use those threads. Make sure there's lots of RAM. And enjoy the numerous, multi-dimensional benefits of the simpler life.