When lots of human beings work at something for a long time, they tend to figure out how to do it. Building software appears to be a huge exception to that rule. With decades of experience under our belt, why is it that we still can't build good software?
One of the reasons software projects so often fail and improved methods aren't used appears to be that the people involved have perverse incentives.
Everyone knows about incentives. They work. Even when we know someone is using incentives to get us to do something, we're more likely to do the thing with incentives than without them.
Perverse Incentives
Whether an incentive is perverse or not is in the eye of the beholder. From the incented person's point of view, an incentive is an incentive, and as we know, incentives work. But we normally call incentives "perverse" when they incent people to do something that most other people would agree is a bad thing.
Perverse Incentives: Mortgages
The housing boom leading up to the financial crash of 2007 was clearly driven by perverse incentives on multiple fronts. Borrowers were tempted to take what seemed to be easy money. Mortgage companies could make piles of money in fees by packaging up risky mortgages and passing them on. Rating agencies could collect loads of fees by not looking too closely. And the bankers at the top of the food chain made themselves lots of money by creating and selling fancy instruments that ignored the underlying realities and the ultimate consequences of their actions. Then it all came crashing down. Many were hurt, the big guys who made the most money least of all.
Perverse Incentives:The VA System
It has recently come out that more than 120,000 veterans are experiencing long waits for care at VA hospitals, even while official reports showed minimal wait times, enabling managers to collect incentive payments. If there ever was a case of perverse incentives leading to bad behavior, this is it.
Perverse Incentives in Software
Software is so rational, so organized, the people involved are so smart and well-educated -- surely perverse incentives aren't driving behavior in software, are they?
Sorry, sweetie, perverse incentives are a human issue. Humans respond to incentives, perverse or otherwise. And as it turns out, there is a rogue's gallery of perverse incentives operating in software -- I will only scratch the surface here!
Estimates are perverse all by themselves.
They are also a GIANT BILLBOARD incenting EVERYONE involved in the process to make any estimate as long as they can possibly get away with; and since very few people (often including the programmer involved!) has any idea how long something *should* take, the estimates are typically accepted as is; but then, manager often double the estimates before passing them on. Why is this perverse?
The organization probably would like to get something done in the shortest reasonable time. But the programmers and project people are measured on whether they beat or miss the estimate. The longer the estimate, the better the chances of avoiding failure. It's that simple. It just makes it all the more maddening that, even with inflated estimates, things still go wrong!
The whole modern software development process starts from requirements. Gamesmanship around requirements is therefore front-and-central. Estimates are based on requirements, and therefore controlling and fixing the requirements is central to the effort of creating "success." The system may fail, the users may hate it, but if it meets the "requirements," the people running the project get to declare "success." What you'd like is for the project to succeed when the needs of the business are met. The perverse incentive is for the people delivering the system to define "meeting the requirements" and then control the requirements to assure that they're met, regardless of what disasters happen to the business.
False reporting
Just like at the VA, project managers are highly incented to avoid reporting problems -- typically using big fancy reports that are chock full of meaningful-seeming stuff but are in fact just garbage. Just like in the mortgage-driven financial crisis, everyone involved is incented to declare success, take their rewards, and kick the can down the road for the next guy. Eventually, with shocking speed, it all comes crashing down, just like the financial system, and just like the mere 4 days between the laudatory article about how great Cover Oregon was going to be and the admission of total failure.
False Assessments
Here's where the rubber meets the road. Who is incented to blow the whistle on a failing software project? How, when and by whom is a software project judged to have failed? Most importantly: what are the consequences of having failed?
We all know the answer. Who has even heard of a software engineer who was fired for failure to deliver? And the people in charge? Never. It wasn't their fault! And the project didn't fail anyway! The requirements changed every month, the target kept moving, and blah, blah, blah.
Your kid comes up to you and asks, "can I play my video game now?" You briefly think about how your question when you were that age was "Can I go out and play now," but the kid isn't interested, and is bouncing around waiting for your "sure." Being the aspiring adult you are, you act responsibly and ask "Have you done your homework?" There's a brief pause. The kid is doing a quick risk-reward ratio calculation. If he says "yes," he probably gets to do what he wants. But you might ask to check. Hmmm.
This is the breeding ground of perverse incentives. We all learn to balance honesty, openness and getting what we want. Some of us go for honesty and openness, deciding that anything else just isn't worth it. But loads of people make an informed judgment on a case-by-case basis, much like the kid and his homework.
Whatever the morality of the case, the facts are clear: software projects fail left and right, and perverse incentives are a significant factor in making them fail. Without changing the incentives, we're unlike to abandon the Bad Old Way of building software and achieve success.