There is a Postulate of software development that, like all postulates, has huge impact on much of what goes on in software. This postulate concerns what is the measure of success in software. There are many ways to formulate it, but at heart, it's simple: success is measured by meeting expectations that have been set. Just as getting to modern physics requires changing the parallel postulate in geometry, so does getting to modern software require changing the "meet expectations" postulate in software development.
Expectations in Software
Two typical CIO's are talking with each other. They get together to share experiences because, while they don't compete with each other, their groups manage technologies of similar size and complexity.
CIO A is real happy today. "I guess they finally listened last time. They had been late once too often. I dished out a pretty blistering speech about how awful it was, and I added on a couple of threats about what was going to happen to careers if it happened again. We just had our project review meeting, and for the first time in memory, most items were green, with just a smattering of yellows and a couple reds. I breathed such a sigh of relief."
CIO B isn't so happy. "That's where I was a couple months ago. Why can't these guys just keep it up? What is it with programmers? We were mostly green, but now green projects are a fading memory. Mostly we're in the yellow and red. Yuck."
What are these guys talking about? Project Management. They're talking about whether the expectations set by their staff have been met (green) or not (yellow and red).
The green, yellow and red are at the end of a road that starts with requirements, moves on to the crucial, notoriously difficult art of estimation, and then proceeds to implementation. Green says that the estimates are being met, and yellow and red say, well, maybe not.
Introducing Absolute Measurement in Software
The CIO's get over their griping and start to compare notes on some recent projects. As it turns out, they're both building a Data Warehouse. They're in the same industry, and the projects are similar in nearly every way, at least from the outside. Common sense tells them that the internals of their projects should be pretty similar. So they compare notes.
CIO A (the happy one): "My project sounds about the same as yours. It's such a relief that we're on track. We've got a lean team of just 10 working on it (at one point I thought it might take 20 people), and we're just 6 months from the end of the 18 month project."
CIO B (the unhappy one): "What? I've got 2 people working on what sounds like the same project as yours. I'm 4 months into the project, and instead of finishing in 2 more months, they're telling me is going to stretch out 2 more weeks, a 25% overrun of the remaining time, which is why I'm so annoyed."
CIO A: "Are you kidding me? You've got just 20% of the staff with a target of 1/3 of my timeline, and you're mad? Your whole project is a rounding error compared to mine."
CIO B: "I guess my guys are doing OK after all. I just wish they could set expectations better."
On this rare occasion, the software managers confronted the reality of absolute measurement in software -- but only by chance, and only by comparing two projects to each other. They're not really even approaching absolute measurement -- if their two projects had been run equally incompetently, there would have been no surprise!
What is the Measure of Success?
What this dialog reveals is the near-universality of measuring success by comparing results to expectations. The CIO who was mad was spending very little money and getting results in a fraction of the time of his compatriot, while the CIO who was happy was doling out the money like confetti and taking the slow boat -- but since his team had started by giving him even worse estimates, he thought he was doing great.
Neither CIO was measuring the success of the projects the way most of us measure. They started with estimates. If the work was coming in better than the estimate, it was judged successful; if the work was delivered worse than the estimate, it was not successful.
This is the way it works in software. It's an unspoken assumption, a postulate that underlies nearly everything that is done in software. People don't propose alternatives, just as no one proposed an alternative to the parallel postulate in geometry for more than a thousand years. It's considered the one and only way to do things.
There are other measures of success
Groups that do an outstanding job of producing software often achieve it with a different measure of success. Just as you can optimize your work for setting expectations and meeting them, you can optimize your work to achieve maximum velocity. Estimates are less important than maximum speed. For example, there's the well-known answer to the question of how to avoid being eaten by a hungry tiger. It has nothing to do with expectations. It's simple: run faster than the other guys.
This is a point of deep theoretical interest, and also great practical application. It's related to building bridges in war and peace. If you're under no time or budget pressure, then maybe the meet-expectations assumption is the way you should measure your software efforts. But if you are under competitive pressure, then you might want to think about organizing your software efforts according to a different measure of success: the velocity method.