Lots of people talk about the evils of waterfall-style development. They aspire to move to something they think is better. Agile is high on most short lists for the something better. How different are waterfall and agile? Answer: not much.
The Waterfall model is an ordered, systematic method for determining what a computer system needs to do (the requirements) and then getting it done and into production. Like this:
The method is well-named. It really does look like a waterfall, like that big one famous for honeymoon visits on the St Lawrence River:
Above is a picture of Niagara Falls I look a little while ago, and is good for understanding software waterfalls. See the big river of water flowing from the upper right? See how everything is clear as it starts to fall? Then you see there's all the mist, making it very hard to see anything clearly at the end. Kind of like most software projects... This one gives you a good sense of the transition from clarity to mist:
Of course everyone hopes for the good outcome, for the rainbow emerging out of the mist:
But, I'm sad to say, the experience of Ms. Annie Edson Taylor comes closer to the common experience of waterfall software development:
While there is a vast array of software development philosophies, waterfall appears to be the standard against which most of them are compared; her concluding remarks saying it all: "nobody ought ever do that again."
Naturally, people look for better ways, and find lots and lots of ways that are thought to be better. It is incredible the number of software development philosophies there are. They go on and on! At least in my experience, Agile is the one I most often hear as a replacement for waterfall.
Like with all these things, people have a lot to say about Agile. There are books and books and conferences and training and certification, endlessly. Here is a summary diagram, given at roughly the same level of detail as the waterfall diagram above:
Lots of strong claims are made for Agile. It's faster, leads to better results, etc. Stuff that everyone says they want. But what are the real differences?
Comparing waterfall and agile
Take a close look at the two diagrams. Both of them start from requirements and go through design, development, test, integration and delivery. Here's the difference: with waterfall, you determine all the requirements up front and then drive through to delivery. The requirements are fixed, and you determine the time from there. In Agile, you determine a bunch of starting requirements, deliver them in a fixed time period (for example 2 to 6 weeks), and then get another set of requirements, and keep cycling until the project is done.
Waterfall: first fix the requirements, figure out the time.
Agile: fix the time periods, and then repeat until you're done.
Putting all the rhetoric aside, the difference between the two methods is simple: one determines the time from fixed requirements, and the other takes fixed time periods and fits requirements into them as appropriate. In other words, Agile is little more than a series of time-fixed waterfalls!
Remember, it's all just Process!
It's easy to get caught up in all this and forget that the most important thing isn't what makes Waterfall and Agile different -- it's how they're the same. Not exactly the same, but the same kind of thing: process!
You can build 100,000 lines of really crappy code using Agile. You can build 10,000 lines of great code that accomplishes the same thing using Waterfall. Or the other way round.
In Simple Terms
In simple terms, Waterfall is:
Do once: {Define. Design. Do. Check. Deliver.}
and Agile is:
Do until done: {Define. Design. Do. Check. Deliver.}
There are many good things about Agile. It's more iterative and can allow for more feedback loops than pure Waterfall. But its difference from Waterfall is easily exaggerated, which helps explain why the results in practice are so often disappointing. In the end, switching the precedence of the two key variables (requirements and time) can't make that much difference when the fundamentals of software and its Postulates are not addressed.