Like other fundamental concepts of computing, this is pretty simple: closed loop is better than open loop. But I concede that it's a touch more complex than other basic concepts, like counting.
Closed and Open Loop
A closed loop system is one that operates with feedback. By contrast, an open loop system operates without feedback.
This of course is a universal concept, not specific to computing. It's how living things operate in general, for example; it's the central characteristic that makes them successful and enables them to improve.
The concept applies to mechanical things as well. When steam engines, for example, were run on the open loop principle (i.e., with no feedback), they were difficult to manage and liable to unpleasant things like blowing up. Then James Watt made his steam engine into a closed loop system by applying a centrifugal governor to it to control the pressure of the steam.

Moving from open to closed loop
The classic open loop process is simple, like driving a car with your eyes closed. You have a goal, which is to drive on the road, not crashing into anything, not going too fast or too slow, until you reach your destination. With your eyes closed, i.e., without the main feedback loop in operation, it's kinda hard. Most people wouldn't try.
The closed loop process is just slightly more complicated, like driving a car with your eyes open. Everything is like driving with your eyes closed, except that you adjust the speed and direction based on the feedback you get from your eyes.
I think it's fair to say that most people prefer closed loop driving. They find it safer and easier on the nerves.
Closed loop applied to the process of building software
The usual way of building software involves working out a plan and then building the software according to the plan. This is like figuring out your route on a map, getting into the car, and driving to your destination with your eyes closed. The good news is, you know for sure when something goes wrong.
Classic waterfall is like checking at the end of a closed-eye drive whether you reached your destination. Since this is obviously insane, all waterfall processes add elaborate checks along the way to see whether you've driven off the road, etc. Never helps much.Agile is like checking on a regular basis whether you've crashed and setting a new goal based on the latest disaster. Agile is just like waterfall except that the crashes are more spread out.
What is writing software using a closed loop process? Simple. It's like growing a baby.
Closed loop applied to system design
Just as feedback can work in the time dimension during the software building process, it can work in the conceptual dimension during the software design process. You may break down a system in layers, from UI down to storage, and design each in isolation. This is typical, and not a great idea.
It's far better to take repeated conceptual passes through the system design, as though you were driving through them in time, and apply the feedback of what each layer has to do to the other layers, optimizing the whole rather than the individual parts. This simple exercise can yield astounding results.
Closed loop applied to the software that you build
Most programmers seem to think that part of their job is creating work for systems administrators; in other words, they create software that requires care and feeding to keep running. This is strange, because software is all about automation. Why would you create software that is, in effect, open loop? Like creating a steam engine without a governor?
Just as you should apply the concept of closed loop to the process of building software, so should the software you end up building have feedback loops incorporated into it, so that to the greatest extent possible it is self-managing. Without such built-in feedback loops, we're doing the equivalent of building a steam engine with no governor. Making our software liable to blow up, like this steam engine did:
Sensible people keep their eyes open when driving a car. But a shocking number of otherwise sensible people do the equivalent of keeping their eyes closed when programming or designing systems, and they build software that is, in effect blind. What's this about? Open your eyes, already!!
Your post was very informative thank you for that
Posted by: Nikki | 03/07/2013 at 05:29 AM