There are an amazing number of books on software project management, each promising to tell you how to "manage" your way to software success. Amazon lists over 6,000 of them! There seems to be no end of books that claim to do it "better," or claim mastery over some sub-specialty.
Here are some books listed on Amazon. There are books (of course) for dummies:
Books from major publishers and computer societies:
Here's one emphasizing numbers, from a major publisher and a big specialist consultancy:
This one appears to be a hit -- it's got over 30 reviews on Amazon, most favorable. It's from a major publisher, about a particular flavor of software project management:
This project management thing is serious stuff -- my next example is in its tenth edition(!), and is one of the books you need to read to be certified as a Project Managment Professional:
Oh, and about that exam -- you don't want to flunk it, do you? You better pick this up to help you succeed:
And now, we've gotten all the way to item 30 in a list of 6.225 items, just skimming the highlights of about one half of one percent of the list!
What can possible have gone un-said about that deep subject of software project management?
How about that it's a pernicious disease, and does more harm than good?