Software development is normally conducted the same, common-sense way that Thanksgiving feasts are created. Perhaps this is why software so often resembles a post-Thanksgiving mess.
The "requirements" (i.e., the menu and number of guests) for Thanksgiving don't differ all that much from one year to the next, and after all, the menu is a variation on a well-practiced theme: a dinner. But you'd still better be exact in defining the menu: "some kind of vegetable," for example, won't do. Furthermore, the requirements are made by experts for highly experienced users, none of whom will need documentation or training to "use" the resulting product.
The requirements for a typical software project, by contrast, are not made by people who are experienced consumers of the product. They are usually made by people who are experienced at making requirements, which is roughly as effective as having menus designed by people who never eat.
Design and Construction
Once the menu has been planned, recipes are selected (not many people wing it and risk cooking a dish that neither they nor anyone else has ever cooked before), the shopping list is made, the shopping done and finally the dishes are cooked. You can see here a picture of some of the advanced cooking techniques used by experts in 1963.
Software developers try to follow roughly the same method of finding recipes (designs) and getting ingredients (lines of code). But they're always making dishes neither they nor anyone else has ever made, so the recipes they find need severe adaptation, and basically they have to make it up. The same goes for ingredients: they find people, try to get them to understand the made-up recipes, and then have them create ingredients (lines of code) that work together. They try to convince themselves and anyone who will listen that everything will turn out OK because strict project management techniques are being adhered to. Uh huh.
The Finished Product
The finished Thanksgiving meal is often a sight to behold. So are the people assembled to admire and to consume it, who typically have at it with skill, experience and vigor. While some of the younger participants may need talking to (see below: the wise guy with his feet up looks like he's about to get it from the lady on the far right), in the end things work out remarkably well. Everyone knows their job and does it.
Not everything goes perfectly when cooking the Thanksgiving meal, but most of it works out really well, and in the end all the requirements of the end users (that they end the meal being happily full) are satisfied.
In software, once the "meal" is cooked, there is usually an extensive testing, integration and quality process involving labs, staging areas and other things to which the supposed "cooked and ready" meal is subjected for fear that it simply won't be edible. In spite of all these measures, everyone knows disaster is not just possible but likely, and so before being brought to the table, the meal is served to special people who are used to eating half-cooked, never-been-cooked-before dishes. This is called an "alpha" release. It resembles getting some poor fool to eat bites of the meal intended for the king to assure that it wasn't poisoned; the trouble is, in the world of software, it usually has been, if only inadvertantly as a result of the usual chaos of building never-been-built-before software. In the world of software, there is usually no equivalent of the dinner-table picture above.
The Aftermath
In the world of Thanksgiving dinners, the aftermath is pretty typical. Here are typical remains of the kind of meal cooked by the ladies pictured above:
Looking at a mess like this is generally a happy thing, which is why my dad took the picture. You remember how good the meal was and chuckle about what was left.
In software, however, this picture resembles the meal that was actually served: a ripped-apart, cold, coagulated mess that you may be able to pick at. Hey, maybe we can make a turkey sandwich by bringing in some extra tried-and-true ingredients (bread, mayo)! The sad fact is, by the time most software is developed and delivered, the original cast of characters has given up, moved on or descended into open cynicism. Aided by the fact that the software doesn't work and/or the situation has changed so much that the software is no longer relevant, at least as it is.
Software development techniques, even today, have a remarkable parallel to making a Thanksgiving meal. But Thanksgiving meals have a track record of working out pretty well for all concerned, certainly in the are-you-full-afterwards department. And software development techniques have a track record of not working out so well, except for the turkeys who run the projects, who rarely seem to be fired for the messes they so consistently deliver -- after all, we learned alot from this, and things are going to be different next time! Sure!
If you like hearing gobble-de-gook babble about project management and late software that doesn't work, by all means continue to model your software development after Thanksgiving. But if you look forward to legitimately associating the concepts of "software" and "grateful" together, without sarcasm, then I suggest you leave the turkeys to Thanksgiving and try something else for software.