In all too many software groups, you get higher status by being more removed from actual customers, their needs and concerns. This is bass-ackwards. It's silly. It's perverse. It is profoundly stupid and counter-productive. If this is how your software group works, change it or leave. Now.
The Inward Flow: Support
In most organizations, here is the perverse flow:
- Customer has problem. Contacts Customer Service.
- L1 customer service takes the call or e-mail. Eventually. They try to do something, but don't have much knowledge or power. So after wasting some time, it's off to...
- L2 customer service, which is backed up failing to handle other things L1 already kicked up to them. After wasting some of their own time, and often some of the customer's as well, it's off to...
- L3 customer service, which is the place where the really experienced L2 agents are promoted. Life is messy in L3. All the nasty problems end up there, often with the customer already being (understandably) mad, but too frequently lacking the skills and resources to even reproduce the problem, much less fix it. After spending some time here, the worst problems of the most upset customers migrate to...
- Sustaining engineering. This is the death-watch group in engineering. Two types of characters are typically confined here: ignorant entry-level people who hope to move up and out; and experienced engineers who missed the cut for working on the new stuff. If it's an easy bug, they may be able to fix it. Otherwise...
- may actually be necessary to interrupt an exalted person who wrote the code that caused the problem, taking him away from the important business of writing code that has brand-new problems! But this drastic measure is avoided if at all possible.
There are actually more layers to march through, but the pattern should be pretty clear by now: the "most important" people are protected from the consequences of their past mistakes by layers and layers of carefully arranged bureaucracy designed to deflect and defuse any contact with real customers and the problems those customers may be having. The more you know, the more distant you are kept from having your august presence sullied by the trivial annoyances of mere customers. It doesn't need to be this way.
The Outward Flow: Development
When new products are created, it is all too often the case that the higher your status, the more removed you are from contact with the people who will ultimately use the product you create.
In very large organizations, the remote peak of the status hierarchy is occupied by research groups or labs. These are truly hilarious. Why do they have ultimate status? It is a given that they see no customers, hear no customers and talk with no customers; but even better. they produce nothing tangible at all -- unless you count academic papers and research reports. Those people are sure important! Their ground-breaking work will (pick your favorite) "lay the foundation for," "create the basis of," or "make the discovery on which" generations of future products will be built. Sure.
Smaller organizations would love to have such a group -- it's prestigious! -- but instead make do with a few exalted individuals who think deep thoughts and create "architectures" that "solve" a wide range of present and future problems.
High level design people then take over to create a "design" within the "architecture." This is not easy! It's important to fend off the constant pressure to produce something practical that works for today's customers, in favor of doing the design "the right way," i.e., spending lots of time thinking about problems some customers may have in some unspecified future, and "creating a framework" that will supposedly make them easy to solve.
At this point, software development splits into an alphabet soup of competing creeds, each of them certain of their unique virtue and access to software heaven. There is the much-maligned waterfall, agile, SCRUM, extreme, and on and on. The details of what happens next vary. The status relationships and ultimate outcomes are pretty much the same: the more important you are, the less likely you are to have meaningful contact with customers. This remains true as the software staggers through phases that may various include integration, testing, staging, documentation and roll-out.
Finally -- finally! -- the software is inflicted on the customers for whose benefit it was built. All I can say is that the chorus of complaints, however loud it may be, is rarely loud enough to penetrate the excellent sound insulation of the rooms in which the company's "brain trust" festers.
If you want to run a charity organization for egotistical, self-absorbed and self-important programmers (OMG! Did I just use the demeaning term "programmers," implying these people might actually lower themselves to doing actual, like, work!? I meant to use a more elevated term like "intergalactic systems architect" or "chief scientist.") -- like I was saying, if it's your goal to provide welfare to high-minded computer scientists, by all means employ a staff of "elite" techies and help them avoid being interrupted by the hoi polloi. Their deep pondering is way too valuable to be sullied in any way by the mundane concerns of the common people. If, on the other hand, you have real work to do and want your best people to lead, then make sure that the closer people are to customers the more status they have. Building a product or service that real people value and want to use requires -- gasp -- contact and interaction with those same real people.