Tell me, do you use Google by any chance? Yes? OK, now tell me which release of Google you use now, which ones you've used recently, and which one you like best; and, by the way, how was the upgrade process? Oh, you don't know? There's no way to find out, you say?
What the heck is WRONG with those people at Google? Don't they know that modern software development processes demand a disciplined release and planning methodology? There is NO WAY customers will put up with a product when the vendor just shoves new releases at them any time they feel like it, without even proper notification! And what customer is going to sign up with a vendor who won't commit to a future roadmap, with at least a year's worth of features laid out, tied to hard-commit release dates? That Google, they violate every rule of the game, there's no way they're going to make it as a software/service company!
What, how can it be! NOOOOoooooo.... Google is the world's most valuable software company!!?? When they don't even have the most basic element of proper software methodology, releases?? I must be sleeping! This must be a nightmare!!
Get over it!
Here are the facts:
- Classic project management has been a disaster for software development.
- All the heavy-weight process things that people do to make things better ... invariably makes them worse!
- The classic big-bang release is the cornerstone of the temple of evil.
- The classic little-bang release (a.k.a. "agile") is a brick in the temple of evil.
- "Releases" are ... stupid! ... and not only that, they're ... outmoded!
There is life after "releases." It is a better life. The software is better. The users are happier. Go there. Enjoy it.